DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

yeah I think that’s why we just green me. I think it’s easiest to push a ML tommorow by greening me, even if we gain KP

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Yeah, imma go to sleep now, we got the rest of tomorrow to plan.

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Part of me is wondering if Hades just lets us kill stuff but w/e

Ugh, it might. Should we try that? Even if we get dead interaction or even a reviving ability, it won’t do much harm to us.

idk really it’s up to you. I’m fine with either at this point

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Alright, let’s risk it then.

/call ally Hades

we got the w anyhow. I believe

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I don’t if one of us die.

then we aren’t dying

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Bigbrain plays.

but yeah I thought about it more and I think just the greencheck on me is best.

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We need to go full bigbrain plays or we’re screwed anyway.

I think getting a ML today won’t actually be that bad. They all think there is only 1 scum left. and with TBE dead I think we can sheep them enough

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I sure as hell hope so.

You know that this is TheBlueElixir’s classcard


Olympus Dreaming God

Almighty king of the gods, you watch the world from the high seat of Mount Olympus. But recently, the world has been changing. Your old enemy, your father Kronos, who brutally devoured your siblings, has returned to the world. You have gathered the council of Olympians and have released the greatest heroes in the history of your world to fight against the resurgent Titans.

Each night, you may call on one of your allies to aid you. Select one of the following effects from this list. They will have varying degrees of power and most of these will help you in some way. You can not call on the same ally twice.

  • Dionysus
  • Ares
  • Artemis
  • Apollo
  • Hephaestus
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Hades
  • Hermes
  • Demeter
  • Hera (I’d recommend against this one. She’s still pretty mad at you for the last time you cheated on her)

Defeat the Titans and any neutrals that stand in your way

thanks for the help Hades …

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Wazza greencheck me dad

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Italy died to slankvig so if we ML we win

I’m going to wait just a bit so we don’t join thread right at same time. If the ML today isn’t Zone, I’ll try my hardest to post myself out of slankvig range in case sulit whacked our immunity

Who should I check? I want to make sure we aren’t dealing with any more Titans.

Zone or TWL?