DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

And now, we wait.

Bellerophon snuck into Zeus’s palace in the middle of the night. He deftly sidestepped through rows and rows of marble pillars, trying to avoid the seeping danger to any mortal trespassing upon Olympus. But eventually, he found Zeus’s throne room. He whispered to himself: “Now, I am the gadfly.”

Bellerophon pulled the spear which had sealed the Chimera’s mouth shut, and thrust it through Zeus’s chest. And slowly, he felt something. Zeus’s divine essence faded away, but it floated through the spear, burning through Bellerophon’s skin, turning his blood into ichor, filling his skin with the power of stars. And he shiffted his form to look exactly like Zeus. Only the Fates know what he will do with this power.

You have stolen Zeus’s power, and gained the following ability:

Each night, you may call on one of your allies to aid you. Select one of the following effects from this list. They will have varying degrees of power and most of these will help you in some way. You can not call on the same ally twice.

  • Dionysus
  • Artemis
  • Apollo
  • Hephaestus
  • Aphrodite
  • Hades
  • Hermes
  • Demeter
  • Poseidon
  • Hera (Probably the least likely to respond well to Zeus, but that’s no reason not to pick her, I suppose.

You may now kill somebody every night, with your newfound godly powers.


Wait so we stole the power?

Additionally, do we still have these abilities, it doesn’t say we lose these?

Meaning can we also steal the Titan Dreaming God power?

You may still use both of those abilites, however you may not use the Night ability alongside your kill.

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Correction: I accidentally left one ability off the list. Apologies.

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If I call upon an ally, can I still kill?
If I attempt to guess another dreaming god, can I still call upon an ally?

What will any of these do? Will I ever be informed what they do?

Yes, you can call upon an ally every night phase, alongside any other abilities. You are not told what any of these do unless an ability reveals the effect to you.

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I think we should go ahead and pick someone to check fairly soon. So you can claim a redcheck if we get one

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tbh I don’t have great guesses on who scum is rn I’m fine with whoever you want to pick

my only read is that Italy is probably scum, but that’s not a hot take

Hm…I have a gut feeling, are you fine with me checking Vulgard?

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I like it. Go for it. I do think his shading of my shot by comparing it to CFM is pretty bad and might be scummy

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/day - Vulgard

if we get a red, should I scumread Vulgard in thread before you even announce that you have a red? it could look good for me

I think I have enough justification with his shading of me to have solid progression on it

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We’ve been associating too much tbh, I got an idea dw.

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Yeah true. D1 we distanced pretty well, D2 not so much

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you just made me make a readslist. you’re the worst

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What’s the plan for the readslist though?

Love you too.