DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

Meaning you’d practically be the confirmation existence of a Neutral RHM.

I could also claim that I stole TBE’s vote and see if scum outs

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I think neutral is probably riskier for you, since it’s pretty clear you actually had a cop/were busing

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I have an excuse though with the alignment cop thing.

I find Olympus members, not a certain alignment according to what I claim and that’s why I’m infinite use.

Also, what would a cop be called if it finds out it’s own faction members? Mode was pushing on me for it yesterday.

I don’t think that has an actual name. It’s just one way that a cop can receive results. You could claim Macho if you wanted?

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Macho is a role modifier that prevents players from being protected from kills in any way.


idk I was just thinking of random ways that doesn’t just make you a better Leafia

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for DG ability I’d go Hephaestus or Hera

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Alright then.

/call ally Hera

Hera is the gamer move since it says it might be bad for us? Hephaestus might give us the vig as well. But Hera could kill people so idk, I’m just speculating

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Leafia dying over Italy isn’t the best, but it’s good that Leaf was Olympus. We might actually have parity with town tomorrow if 4 scum + us 2 + 6 town alive.

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I believe we only have 3 scum remaining since 2 scum are dead.

yeah it’s probably 3, but I could see 3+ a LW

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regardless, numbers are getting very tight. we could be pushed on hard since scum is fine with killing us. how do you feel about me claiming neutral? should I do it as a panic button or just go for it?

Use it as a panic button tbh.

I’m trying to hard defend you so badly right now so if you get lynched it’s game over for both of us.

Centuries is claimed DG but TBE is the actual DG.

I believe Centuries is immune to death.

if your check tomorrow is town do you want to just yolo a redcheck?

Yeah, it seems like the best move.

2-3 Town should die tonight (Vulgard, ??? and ???), finding a greencheck would be bad and we should yolo a redcheck and get them lynched. That would lead to 2-4 Town being killed and 0-1 scum.

Another good strat would be baiting the Town RHM into outing themself publicly if we’re in a losing situation, in which we can just instantly kill them.

what do you think scum does if you yolo a redcheck on town? they probably kill you tbh