DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

hmmmmm. If a townie is killed first I could claim to be a neutral who takes the rolecard of the first non-dreaming god to be lynched

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lmao I fake masons in a really recent scumgame I don’t know how well that would’ve gone. especially since I think town Dreaming God+Right Hand Man probably have a masonry

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@Marshal do they specifically have to claim to be a Right Hand Man or can they claim flavor/abilities

If they claim RHM or any RHM abilities you can kill them at any time

Lmao, I read that as if you ever claim I can just whack you out of existence.

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You technically can

I know but I forgot that others probably have RHM’s.

that’s how I read it at first too lmaoooo

we have confirmation in my classcard that there are 2 other RHM for the other 2 dreaming gods

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That’s good to see. I’m kind of afraid if one of them have something where they gain more dreaming god powers over time.

just steal it so we gain more powers over time ez

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I don’t think we steal the Dreaming God powers.


Yeah we get our own ones :^)


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From what I can tell, we take their’s and convert it into our own.

So technically we are a thief, we just decide ‘ew no yours is bad i want mine’

yeah haha. honestly I feel pretty good about this game. Hippo and Geyde are probably the best town players here, but Geyde might be replacing out. And we don’t have TMI so we can scumhunt effectively

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Additionally, I’m unreadable.

looks back at Rokugan FM - D1 NK WIN GAMERS :^)

You gain powers of your own and they lose it. You basically are stealing it. I just didn’t word it like “you steal their abilities” because the powers you get are different… or are they? mwahahaha.


I actually won Rokugan by throwing myself under the bus technically since I outed ‘HEY I’M NK’ and that counted lol.