DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

also thoughts on just trying to kill TBE>Mode

No I mean that’s what I’m gonna claim.

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/kill TBE over Mode

He should be powerless.

ok it does depend on what our DG ability does but let’s think about what happens

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If we attempt to kill TBE and the kill on Centuries doesn’t work, then we run the risk of losing potential extra KP with RHM claimvig since Centuries will flip in his place. Mode is basically confirmed at this point so it’s not terrible killing Mode.

if we succesfully kill 1 person and ML sulit then we’re at 2v6
kill another we’re at a 2v5
then we’re kinda screwed?

if we kill 1 person, claimvig Centuries, and then ML sulit we’re at 2v5
kill another we’re at 2v4
and still maybe screwed?

we need DG abilities to help us out here in a pretty decent way

Just to confirm, you’re changing your kill to TBE instead of Mode?

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a quick question on this. If we submitted a kill on both TBE and Centuries tonight, and they both happen to work and not be interfered with, and TBE is Olympus DG while Centuries is Olympus RHM, would they both die?

bah we might just have to kill Mode for extra KP potential

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yes that’s what it says.

We have a high chance of leaving at this point, but let’s just hope they both die, if they don’t we’re screwed but we haven’t tried to heal TBE yet.

@Apprentice you have recieved an anonymous message!

This is Marshal’s Terrible Deal!
You have been poisoned!
You will die at the end of the day.
If the final EoD votecount has you voted Wazza you will be cured from poison.

@Wazza You have had the effects of Demeter and Dionysus revealed to you!

You know that Demeter has the effect of “Your visit tonight and tomorrow will be hidden”

You know that Dionysus has the effect of “You and your right hand man will show up as town to investigatives from this point forward”

Tommorow night, you may use both of these abilities at once if you wish to do so!

(sorry for no cool flavor I think ici is asleep :frowning: )

/day - Sulit

Sulit is aligned with the Titans and is not a dreaming god!

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How good is that for us? Also both of those DG abilities don’t help at this point really. If we kill sulit today, then we go to a 2v5 and have to get a ML tommorow. At least TBE will die tonight I think? Unless he gets jailkept

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no clue what happens with TBE, but I’m killing Intensify tonight.

Who are we going to ML then? Yeah Intensify is a doc, but then we get in a real awkward spot

I guess we can push TWL as NK?

I suppose so? But it seems like TBE confirms them.