DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

I mean if people think there’s only 1 scum I might be able to just strongarm it with a gut read

12 posts before I’m safe

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tbh I think I can bully Intensify into it

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7 more let’s go

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btw I’m safe to quickhammer whenever now

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Mode thinking Intensify is NK is fucking wild

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I mean, I’m VERY DOWN to lynch him.

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If Intensify is lynched, the game auto ends in our victory.

Olympus will have no way to stop our victory and the Titans will be extinct.

And you will win because I would win.

have voting thread pulled up in another tab. if we need to quickhammer I’ll count us down in here with:


when you see GO move to the other tab and vote

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My heart is pounding, you don’t understand.

Have the copy pasta ready my guy

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You know it.

lmao there’s no way you’re able to fall asleep rn

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As fuckin if.

time to slowly bully TL into voting Intensify

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or maybe even Zone lmao

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“hey townies can you go ahead and vote so I can quickhammer? Thanks”

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If they question it, I’m just gonna say
‘nowhere did I tell you to vote.’

but god damn I need sleep.