DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

good claim for long game, but probably bad if I’m forced to claim early for some reason

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Eh, I don’t see people going for claims this early on.

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yeah highly doubt it to. worked really well for town in Insurgency when claims got shut down hard

Like this one. Could also do a mech oracle since we have TMI on stuffs

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I was originally going to make it so I check if two players are the same alignment or not, a Maid type class but more powerful, and then I was instead gonna do a Sheriff class but then I remembered that one of those probably exist so I don’t know what to do but what I do know is that I’m going to be claiming Investigative.

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We’ve still got a while before game starts and even then we can change it during the game.

A ‘Are you Neutral’ class isn’t too powerful, but is a possibility.

These are the options I’m thinking off:

I have more options, I’ll post them later.

you can’t be occ’d due to your passive remember to start at least (obviously your fake claim wouldn’t be occ immune though)

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what timezone are you btw?

BST, but I’m living on a horrible time schedule, literally woke up at around 1:45am.

I’m probably going to head to sleep pretty soon. I’ll be up about an hour before SoD. Anything else you wanted to discuss still?

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Sorry just saw this, nah it’s fine for now, I’ll be staying awake until probably after SoD.

I am awake

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I’m so excited for this game, but afraid I’m gonna do something stupid

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So am I.

Hm…I’m debating who to use my day ability on.

could be mega bold and do it immediately and claim a n0 green, but that doesn’t seem great. I think just waiting until people spew themselves is best

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TL is claiming a n0 green on Centuries idk if it’s legit though. Possible RHM/Dreaming God pair for town if they’re masons?

You gonna head to bed before doing much in thread? It’s fine if so just curious

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Is TL saying they have a n0 on Centuries usable for attempting to kill a RHM if in fact he was a RHM in a masonry/n0 with the Dreaming God? @Marshal