DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

/kill Centuries

This HAS to be enough.

@Marshal Can you please start telling us if it processes?

Things that other people say have no bearing on the claimvig. The RHM themselves must claim it for it to be effective.

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@Apprentice Do I kill Centuries today, tonight or tomorrow during the day.

/kill Centuries

You better gameend him, Marshal.

Has this been processed?

All actions so far have been processed

ffs, what the fuck is going on?

There’s no way they both have immunity or that’s just broken af.

Centuries has to be the RHM.

That’s just so stupid.

I was told I can literally just snap them out of existence whenever I want.

Like, it says kill them, not attack them. @Marshal

What are the possible reasons for this somehow failing?

It is still counted as an attack, and so any day healing or immunity or occupation could effect this. If it is incorrect, or not sufficient, then it also will not succeed.

I find this ability stupid because it doesn’t do what it stated.

That evidence is sufficient enough, without a doubt.
So clearly something’s going on here. How am I occupied? That wouldn’t be possible either.
He wouldn’t be immune as I’ve attacked him before and I’ve completely removed TBE’s power.
There’s no such thing as day healing as there’s no room.

There’s no possible way for this to be stopped.

bah sorry I wasn’t around I was super busy. looks like day ended early with hammer on light. I’ll be around later to discuss some stuff about who we’re nightkilling and ability usage

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Aight, I’ve got a Doctors Appointment at 10am BST.

Alright shoot I need to submit something.

/kill ModeShifter
/call ally Hephaestus