DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(idk the timeframes for arctic to have done it are so incredibly narrow that i just don’t think it’s possible

there’s a 1 hour~ gap i can’t account for between when i went from the tower → the castle library and him showing up there, but i assume most of that was spent at the tower anyway? this is between like 2021-02-16T19:00:00Z and an hour after that, im fairly sure this is accounted for by somebody

and then the only other sizable gap is when he was reading in the library, i left after he started and came back before he finished reading)

(for these same reasons id imagine arctic has a similar level of confidence clearing me, since the only time im really unaccounted for is when he walked in on me reading

im really interested on any clears on Jane/Apprentice + Tan/Night, mostly the former two)

I doubt it was Tan.
Socially i wanna clear night…

That’s all i can really help with since i was passed out

I don’t think Apprentice can have done it but I’m waiting on them to post their pathing :flushed:

Hopefully that will be before 2021-02-19T22:00:00Z.

(i mean yeah this is where im at for both of them, probably for the exact same reasons :joy_cat:)

//can I see the label!

//wait nvm

//I was gonna say I could compare eevees own handwriting but I only have copies of the poster i made and not the og


(They posted it alreay didn’t they somewhere.)

Didn’t eevee spend the entire last chapter brewing something? Is it not just that obvious?

They did?

I’ll try to find it then.

They made alcohol I think?

How do we know that was all he made?

We do not know

so what reasons do we have to clear eevee then?

I don’t know

I am trying to ask if they have something to compare their own handwriting

I found it but they only posted the part after they entered the Tomb.

  • They were the one who first said it wasn’t suicide
  • They actually did stuff as compared to most others

Probably more stuff but brain isn’t doing brain stuff right now.

(i mean realistically eevees not like, unreasonably far fetched to have done the kill if you think about it

but if it was them i don’t really care because they’re the only reason we’ve gotten anywhere so whatever)

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