DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Yeah, library was the first place I got to, as I said already.

so you just stayed there for like 2 hours doing what?

(dude I’m literally going to fucking shoot you)

At 2021-02-16T22:39:00Z I entered the library. I investigated the exhibits, then had to go eat dinner, and came back exactly half an hour after entering and started reading a book, which I did not get to finish because Tro died at 2021-02-16T23:58:00Z.

yeah you got some spear or whatever but was that it?

Jesus Fucking Christ, Arctic. I didn’t take the fucking spear.

what book were you reading

It was a book without any title on it.


The BOOK. Did not have a TITLE.

Arctic, you can clear kat, right?

i can clear katze if the poison was found in the tomb

light there are several problems with your claimed pathing

Tower of the Broken God → down the stairs → left hallway to the Malefic Library → Tro died → Animal Lab → Nexus Chmaber → Core Room → Records → Nexus Chamber → In Posterum Chamber R → In Posterum → Malefic Library

how did you end up on the right side from the nexus chamber even though the right side of the tomb is normal?

and how did you go straight from in posterum to the library?

I dunno

I yelled at the hosts

second one is probably just a shortcut but i don’t understand how the first one happens

“/try and find my way back to the library” is the phrasing I used, and I was told I did not find my way back to the library.

How long were they away from you? I think they’re socially reasonably clear but them trying to pass it off as a suicide was kind of :eyes:.

they were with me the entire time in the tomb and for most of the time outside of the tomb except for a bit in the library

i would say this is NAI since katze has been pushing the wrong conclusion pretty much every chapter (lol)
but it’s mainly so people consider other options

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It was a suicide. That doesn’t mean they’re the blackened, though.

that’s not what suicide means
you can kill yourself and it’s not suicide
for it to be suicide it has to be intentional