(See that doesn’t stop me from seeing them atleast one of the three passives is good for something.)
My ultimate is fully utility.
It doesnt kill nor even really helps in it.
(imagine only having 3 passives
this post made by “7 passives” gang)
What is in them now?
Name at least one item.
(I never searched you so I wouldn’t know)
I just noticed that my new stats all end with 9.
(Let me see if I can right now to show)
Even better meme is that after physical training in my room, lowest growth was… strength.
Somehow I even trained luck and int higher with physical training.
(what the fuck)
(especially since luk can’t be trained)
(DR5 CH5, the hosts introduce a gym
it gets burnt down after everybody trains 24/7)
(Not unless you use… RPG Dices :^) )
(Seriously speaking, Im aware of it, I was told same before, but yet I trained it up)
Tbh I HEAVILLY regret not training earlier.
36 points on 5 stats… 7 up on avarge?
Thats… good.
But like I managed to miss all other stat raising items so far, so I guess its fair.
Like this +5 stuff from vault etc.
(i mean tbh it was over ~80 hours so it’s probably not actually a huge deal but it just so hapened that the last chapter was super long
since that’s 1 stat every 2ish hours
(stat boosting items
that’d be nice
i want more AP )
(Have you considered converting to Scottish?)
I need to recalculate my new max ap
Chapter 5th is last one, right?
(CH6 is MM trial in every other game so i assume that’d be the same here)