DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

did trochi even know they were drinking poison in ch1?
why does this even matter? if they were MM it wouldn’t kill them anyway

This quote for reference.

he couldn’t have died if he were the mastermind so this is invalid

not trying to take it off would show he was perfectly fine with dying, which when we found out it wasn’t a suicide would make him incredibly suspicious

was time set for next ch yet?

no and i don’t think we got the zodiac signs either

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(i specifically only looked for burn marks because i was trying to figure out if the exisal teleported or not)

(well, and if anything was knocked over. didn’t search too in depth because i was trying to figure out a chain of events before i filled in the blanks)

he would have been outed mastermind though because he was like spasming or foaming at the mouth or something and very obviously poisoned (I forget what exactly)

(i dont remember if it was that bad? im p sure he just fainted)

how do we even know it was poison again
what happened exactly


he drank thing

he passed out

i suck him

he ok)

(that was… not worded well

i don’t think i can confirm it was poison, or if it was lethal poison if it was poison

this was also weeks ago so lol if irl or in character katze would remember)

class trials and intermission are likely much shorter than irl days
i’m pretty sure we’ve only been here for maybe just under 2 weeks, so i’d be concerned if your character couldn’t remember that

well since this didn’t happen, no

(i don’t remember things that happened last week irl

so lol)

i don’t remember things that happened yesterday irl but i feel like i would if i was in a killing game and it’s all i’m doing

(i mean it’s the closest alyx got to a girl so maybe they remember :joy_cat:)


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(I mean, you hugged TL while he checked your inventory, right?)

(i mean yeah but

i’d say “sucking poison out of someone” is a bit closer than “hugging someone”

and TL checked my inventory every time :sob:

i was expecting my kunai to be missing when he hugged me at the end

but no, it was just a hug :heart:)