DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I found a sign saying that only maximum of 30% starting participants can win.

You know, due to covid pandemy.


That was a joke if someone didnt get it.

True though this is PKR we’re talking about and they subbed into what was Amelia’s slot before being killed.
Which kinda is a point against PKR got themselves killed as MM theory.

well it’d be a free win if people don’t consider him for suiciding, and he didn’t have much invested in the game

That’s a good point.
We need to keep an eye out for lore clears no matter what.

PKR was cleared, mind I remind you.

how was PKR cleared

The Jane trial.

I mean we cinfirmed Amelia voted Jane, which is awkward in such close trial for MM to do.

And PKR replaced for Amelia.

they could have lied about it, although it would have been risky
i don’t think PKR is MM anyway, but you shouldn’t clear him unless it’s mechanical/lore

Socially PKR is very unlikely MM though TL was regarded as unlikely MM socially and look what happened.
I’d rather not get it wrong because I’d probably get flamed post game for that.

In other words, lets make sure that when Ch 6 trial is here our case on the MM has no holes.

They did not lie, thats why I said we have another way to confirm MM is still alive.

how do you know

Didnt I say magic already?

yes but i don’t believe that lol

Well, my information is easy - Amelia voted Jane.

Unless you can convince me that it makes sense for MM to vote Jane back then, I am lock clearing them.

Also, why do you think I was asking everyone for votes in the first place.

why would your class be able to check votes

and why would that ability exist in the first place when it’s essentially a mastermind cop

i don’t know why you’re lying about this tbh