DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

My actions are more complicated than what you think they are actually.

Want example?

Why did I bring poisons for Trochi’s death trial?

Didnt I tell you Im weird combination of bullshit utility stuff?

Why does my class has bonuses for creating items for example?

it’s still a mastermind cop which wouldn’t exist

Its unfortunetly not, as all the trials so far were very one-sided.

Surviving Students: 10 (1 Escaped)
Number of Mistrials: 1

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Chapter Four: The Endless Revels Of The City Dionysia - END

Chapter 5: The Smouldering Gates of Erebos will begin soon.

The Obelisk shudders.

@Aelin which sign did each one have

@Arctic do you really not believe it?

no i don’t

Then what would I gain from lying here?

Unless you acuse me of being 3rd party, you cannot say Im lying here tbh.

I believe eevee

I feel like they were both told different things

This is a, really scummy (as in shitty) thing to do and I don’t see why eevee would do it?

Lying to clear yourself like that is kinda crappy and I feel like eevee has

Genyinely shown frustration and it makes me believe them

Jane: Scorpio
DatBird: Leo
Amelia: Taurus
Arctic: Libra
Apprentice: Sagittarius
Katze: Virgo
Eevee: Aquarius
Marluxion: Aries
SirDerpsALot: Gemini
Trochillidae: Key of Chiron
Min: Pisces
Nightingale: Rod of Asclepius
Mistyx: Capricorn
Wazza: Scepter of Juno
TrustworthyLiberal: Black Moon Lilith

I am, naturally… Cancer :^)

i think you’re so confident that amelia was telling the truth about voting jane that it’s worth lying about it to stop us considering them for MM


We will get nowhere at this rate.

well we need to see what happens with lore clears and who the chapter 5 killer is

then we’ll make a mechanical/lore poe with public, confirmable information

then we discuss altogether social clears in the remaining poe

“Now… We’re reaching the finale of the Ultimate Hunt. As a consequence, I’m going to introduce a motive right off the bat-”

If the next trial is a mistrial, you will have a significant disadvantage in Chapter 6. The details of this disadvantage will not be disclosed.

Okay, I will explain it more clearly.

Its not a vote cop.
Its a check for difference in scores in voting results.

Do you now see why ultimate snowboarder has it?
Do you now see why I asked to claim int and was annoyed at your mindgames of 500 int?

You rejected exact caculation of it.
That’s fine.

I can still tell you its pretty much impossible for PKR and TL to lie here.
And I know mine and Marl’s votes.