DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

… except for the last one, apparently.

No, trial was never solved. But all evidence did point on Jane.

Why else do you think I forced them to identify 4 liquids?
Not only poison, but all 4.

For funsies? : )

Definetly for funsies… not.

eevee, the one trial you did something we lost

the three trials i’ve done stuff, we won
and the last trial wouldn’t have been solved if i didn’t find the case and test the ink, because no one thought it was TL

i don’t see how not doing stuff in one trial because i had no idea what to do outweighs all the other contributions i’ve made to this game and i think overlooking that is kind of ??

i don’t really want to argue about this again
i know you think i’m useless and i don’t care

what are you going to do about it? kill me? :joy_cat:

How did your contribution help trial 1.

How did your contribution help trial 2.

Give me evidence which actually switched the course this trial took, not jsut “I did something”

Trial 1 conclusive evidence is Derps talking to App, at which point MM would have now ay to win this trial.
Trial 2 was won mostly due to lack of evidence and host saying that dead people can be voted.

Which of this 2 trials you actually did something which mattered?

Wasn’t this the first Danganronpa game Derps played?
I must say I was a little surprised they killed someone in their 1st Danganronpa game if that’s the case.

Derps is always trigger happy tbh

And look where that got him LUL.

(I see no ways this can backfire :joy_cat:)

is this starting today

Hopefully not because I’m about to sleep

i’d kind of prefer if it did since i’m more available today than during the week

min didnt you like
just wake up
what is your sleep schedule
do you have a sleep schedule?

I woke up early with an alarm for scheduled stuff and I’m tired

I shouldn’t be up, though I wasn’t able to sleep :sadge: .

Ooooooh being unable to sleep.
Not fun :frowning: .

so we could have hammered on friday and we wouldn’t have even started till today