DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

good thing i planned on playing the game normally i guess

i don’t see why you would have it but this is slightly more believable

First impression is that it isn’t immediate loss of the game with 2 mistrials.
Though I’d rather not find out.

I assume it is becouse snowbaord is sport based on like 6 judges who each give different scores with some other rules etc.

Dont get me wrong, thats my assumption.

Btw @Arctic you can confirm it if you want by getting other Trochi voters to claim int.

They all will have WAY bellow avarge int, if your 150 is true.

yeah i think this is basically confirming that
i think we should still play the game normally though

also for the record i’m certain if anyone tries to go for a strategic kill, it will be me because i’m the detective

even though i’ve shown all of my abilities, psychologically people are going to want to kill me

reasons not to kill me:

  1. i am cool and yes
  2. i think i can put enough effort in to help everyone else win
    plus i’m obviously the protagonist at this point, you can’t kill me

i don’t have 150 int but it isn’t far off

So you did lie.

Sigh, told you that you are annoying as hell during Jane trial when it came to lack of cooperation when I said that if you say truth we can narrow down MM pool.

i would never have told you my intelligence when

  1. no one else claimed their intelligence
  2. even if they did, half of them would be lying

you can’t just blame me for that :joy_cat:

Ultimate Snowboarder can detect the difference in votes

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I can blame you for being annoying as hell during Jane trial.

First saying it was suicide, later knocking out only person who was actually searching for stuff, just to confirm stuff which was already found.
You found nothing, didnt swap vote in the end as others did, didnt work into narrowing down MM PoE.

I am literally blaming you for losing this trial AND not using this loss for our advantage.

blah blah blah everything’s my fault and i’m bad, i’m the entire reason we’re very clearly losing the game right now

heard it all before

to be honest with you i think losing the jane trial was healthy for the game because it actually forced people to play the game for the last trial or two

Like you know each of my actions have some meaning behind it.

Remember 4 poison bottles I brought into Trochi’s death trial?

Why would I bring them if everyone knew what caused death and why 4 of them and 3 of them were unrelated?
Answer is obvious if you noitce what happened to them.
I asked Monoluna for Jane to name them.

The point was not to say what poison killed trochi, but that Jane was able to use poisons.
And had access to ones from science room storage cabinet, which they drilled into.

And I knew Jane is ultimate toxicologist from before when I cooperated with them on riddles etc.
It was mostly to gather attention on them, as most of evidence I had directed on them.

It worked.

Jane became a suspect due to having access to sceince lab and being known for poisons.
Even if everyone could use poisons, outing them as ultimate toxicologist made trial go more in one direction.

Especially considering noone else did anything useful and I had to give people something to focus on to begin with.

Eevee, there’s only one thing you’ve done this game that I’m not fine with.

And that was defending SDA Chapter One.

Other than that, I don’t really care about any of your plays

It was healthy, sure.

But you were being toxic during this trial via lack of ANY cooperation.
Which obviously hurts me, as I put a lot of effort in that trial.

Only trial which actually mattered so far.

All of the trials matter equally

Yeah, that was actually me aiming for MM clear, lol.

Like MM would know that App knows Derps did it. So they would have zero reason to do so. Lmao.

eevee you never solved the trial and came to the conclusion it was jane, you told us to yolo on them in the last 5 minutes

you can’t blame people for not exactly being convinced by this