@CRichard564 i was about to tell you the class trial already started lmao
i already told you
do you want me to tell the class
Yeah I’m here.
So the beyblade wasn’t used to decapitate Alison as the only wound that fits the beyblade is the one on the forehead.
Katze katzes.
the animometer detects the how much of
- murders
- attempted murders
- dead bodies
are/occurred in a room
i don’t know how much each increases the count by
i also don’t know how it’s useful because no one did any of this stuff in their dorms… probably
Well, let’s show people how it works then.
This was some brilliant deduction
I figured you’d say something like that.
(i was expecting this to be more useful, cropped off the rest because nothing was actually useful to the trial)
this is new
why have you never done this before
(because i originally started it as an attempt to map the fucking NeG area and decided it’d potentially be useful to document other things)
If someone attempted murder so far and it didn’t work out, we will be able to prove it for MM trial.
But that’s one thing.
Let’s me present you machine in question
eevee presents an animometer and shows you all the reading
it is currently displaying a 5 out of 10
That’s a lotta dead bodies in here