DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

You should actually talk about it though

Anyway, I’m heading to sleep
smell ya later nerds


my pfp is a doodle I drew of little geoff, it’s not super good but I kinda like it

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I like it as well
the rose is absolutely my aesthetic and i might steal it

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I have Arthur, Alicia and Sophie in my PoE.
I’m thinking that Alicia is the least likely to be the blackened socially.
Sophie apparently claimed she can confirm herself as not blackened with the elixir.
Arthur is probably my most likely candidate here.
Though I’d rather not lock my vote this early in the trial.

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I see, thanks

(i mean imo tan is obv not blackened
for several reasons
“haha tanstermind” is exactly 0 of them
with that said
i still think people are clearing apprentice too easily
which means apprentice is V given how every other trial has gone (im saying it before you arctic get owned loser)
but like seriously the reasons are pretty flimsy
bottom text)

Dennis has been a tree during deadly life and this class trial so far.
It would be a lol execution if the blackened is a tree.

(“katze explain them”
mostly cause it doesnt matter since they can just drink that elixir later anyway
and i can’t actually think of a reason to not drink it since it’ll probably be useless in CH6 since the MM can lie through it and theres no more murdering anyway, so forcing people to tell the truth doesnt matter much since we all have the same wincon atp (minus the mm ofc)
so i won’t bother too much regading defending her
she should absolutely just use the elixir later)

(im currently torn on whether or not light did it
i think its pretty likely he knows blood magic
part of me thinks that him just bringing us to the right room is good look, part of me thinks it can just be TMI since theres not too much harm in showing people the room if he doesnt think people can get inside
i dont know how indestructible the ward is advertised to be so someone whos read the book can tell me how realistic it is that people can get in without that ‘walk through walls’ potion that he had before
i had a theory that light used a machete for the kill and just stole TL’s to do it/replace the one in his room, but TL’s room was empty because dead peoples stuff gets removed from their dorm and the fates didn’t elaborate on where it went
so i dont know how realistic that theory is)

(random tidbit i just remembered is that the jagged cuts feel like they indicate to me that the killer is on the lower side of strength? with the caveat it could just be due to the weapon
when i inspected light/apprentice it looked like app was quite a bit stronger than light but it was hard to tell since they both had quite a bit over me
i also tried to inspect tans but never got feedback and dont care anymore for obvious abovementioned reasons)


Sleeping is for nerds

  1. I know blood magic, and really everyone should after chapter one
  2. I was very well aware that the blood ward was not impregnable considering I’m the one who broke it in chapter one

well i know of it but i never read the book
and frankly meant to destroy it
i might have destroyed it once

and yes you bypassed the magic once
but you knew that the ligament wasn’t available
so if you assumed that was the only way in it’s basically risk-free towncred

hence why im not sure how i want to treat the action

im too lazy to use parenthesis its 3:30am and its obvious when im in character anyway

Anyway, if I’m right about the murder weapon being the sword, I agree with the thing about the STR stat, although I’m… really not sure why the blackened replaced the sword?

do you have the sword on you

and why do you think it was used

No, I do not because I didn’t really think about it until people mentioned they had gotten into the room and nobody was saying anything about the weapon
And my only real reasons are 1) I checked last chapter and the locker was still closed, and 2) the only reason I found it was because I was checking locations that I knew had paper for clues

he could have just washed it in the bathroom too

i swear someone mentioned this locker relatively recently but idr who


i keep forgetting thats an option and its prob a lot more realistic than my theory

it only took a few minutes to make my kunai basically spotless when tan murdered dead me

This is fair
But it would also probably be kinda stupid to murder with a machete considering at least you knew I had it
My preferred method of killing would’ve been death by 1000 cuts with the safety pins I’ve got or the bow and arrow like I said earlier

i mean i was either gonna kill with cyanide, gun, or literally crushing someone to death with my boots

the last one would probably be the least likely because its the most messy but the former two would have likely resulted in me being boxed in by eevee

Fuck, I forgot this before, but did you guys find anything like a coat or the fucking medical thing that I suddenly forgot the name of in Marl’s room? Because obviously nobody had any blood on them