DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

“If none of you are going to request it, I might as well just share the last tower with you.”

“This is our personal favorite … hibernation is one of the best properties of earth animals.”

Lachesis seems to turn into a bear for a moment, before returning to their true form.

//hall of failures just sounds outright depressing

“this one is certainly intriguing

“…but it’s no arcade.”


“It may be worth checking the old rooms for things you missed, as well…in fact, last chapter, I heard one of you voice an idea that could be very useful…”

(what the fuck is :pleading_face:
use your words
I don’t speak bottom)

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“…i don’t know why i’m even asking, i already know what you’re going to say… but which one of us?”

“I can’t answer that.”

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//not sure what was expected


katze does the default dance

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//of course

“okay, i lied. i definitely asked because i thought they were talking about me… or Arthur.”

“either way, i suppose there’s plenty of time to explore both avenues.”

“Where should I go first?”

“truth be told, i don’t care what any of you do, as long as everything gets done…”

alyx pauses for a bit, then sighs

“no… that’s stupid… we need strategy.” alyx looks around the room

“…even if some of you are people i’d rather not work with.”

“I hope I’m not one of those people.”

awkward smile

alyx ignores the comment while they’re thinking, and then speaks in a more confident sounding voice than you’re used to from them

“the first step to this strategy is to figure out where we even want to go… and a position to rendezvous and collaborate our findings… and since we all obviously haven’t adjusted our sleep schedules to be standardized yet despite being stuck here an entire month – we also need a way to properly communicate with eachother not in real time.”

alyx thinks for a moment

“…something i used to do, in co-op survival games, we’d use signs or something to a similar effect – we could probably try doing something like this? some paper, maybe some tape…”

“we can decide on that later, actually – i’ve gone on a bit of a tangent; other than the new seasonal towers, where do we want to go?”

Geoffery shrugs

“…Arthu-err…N wanted us to go back and look at a note attached to the sword, something like that. When we get the chance to, maybe we should do that. Other than that? I’m not sure.”

“…Arthur did mention something in the Senate Records room – that’s probably something worth looking at… there’s also the Records Room, down in that hellhole of a maze… i think there’s definitely something worth finding in there, too. surely a room full of tapes, floppy discs, files, and other methods of informational archival would have something of interest.”

alyx shrugs

“other than those two rooms, though – i guess there’s still some mysteries to be solved. i believe alicia wanted to do something in The Core room, and there’s a couple puzzles yet to be solved, if I recall.”