DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

meanwhile, katze fakeclaims MM/wildcard all game, and lies about literally everything


yawn, you treat this too much like an FM

up until CH6 nobody was truly aligned with anyone, really

there’s no town vs mafia

there’s… participants, wildcards, and the mastermind (the only person who really has a consistent “alignment”)

I wouldn’t go that far

I really just think she fakeclaimed her stats… that’s not illegal

Fakeclaiming could easily be done just to stop being a target or in case night was worried about someone who could possibly harm them if they knew their real stats

I just recommend to be angry privately, because night is really sweet and I don’t think they deserve to be publicly flamed for this

Finally a voice of reason.
That still doesn’t excuse the fact that it gave me a headache for no good reason when that could have all been avoided.

Yet everyone else was thinking that I’m lock MM when that is obviously not the case.
That’s why I was so mad about this.

Did they think maybe it could be done for self preservation?! NO!!! only condemn my slot as MM for something I never did.
How can I not be angry at her for this? How?!

To be honest I quite enjoyed playing this game while I was subbed in. Yet that changed today all because of a fake claim everyone thinks only MM would do, rather than consider worlds where maybe participants would fake claim for their benefit.

Do you understand how much of a headache this caused me?

I understand completely man

You’re allowed to be angry but harassment is a different issue

You’re no longer being angry and overstepping boundaries


anyway my “final” piece is that im probably not changing my vote off of trochi, and my second pick is still apprentice if anyone? guess ill write out some thoughts and see if that changes but idt it will

and if you guys vote someone who isn’t trochi and it is trochi i will laugh and then cry
then laugh again

i don’t think min is MM in very many worlds, and if it’s them then :joy_cat: but given the length of the last two chapters and general lack of… anything – i think the MM is dead or less active than min, and they’ve generally fit how i percieve them to really play this game; although i admittedly expected them to have tried a bit more violence by now? :flushed:

im still perplexed as to why past katze had such a confident clear on night, but i don’t really think its crich for… admittedly not great reasons, i’m trying to put it into words but one of the bigger reasons boils down to how they’ve approached the game from the perspective of an FM player and… idk. the more i think about it the more shaky this read feels :upside_down_face: but i still kinda think he’s probably not it :joy_cat:

(written after the above)

i just skimmed the deadly life “main room” (aka, the murder room where everybody has talked every trial) for every deadly life
and like, night did… basically nothing every time
and thats mildly concerning

but some of her takes during the actual trials feel relatively free of TMI at a glance
this is without context though because discourse threads with more than 10k posts suck

after i finish this post ill probably look at that again-again-again

but the stat post is a fucking meme, stop overthinking it, i only didn’t shut it down immediately to see how crichard would react tbh :^)

apprentice is in a weird spot where nobody seems to consider them anymore which historically means that i’m just wrong to continue kinda suspecting him (yes, arctic, you can laugh at me), but my “suspicion” is more “they’re lacked hardcore” than anything else. mostly after trial 1 where they kinda gamered everywhere
honestly my biggest point in apprentices favor is that if they were MM im pretty sure i wouldn’t think the MM is ‘dead or inactive’

ive already explained why i think its trochi and convinced some people, so i won’t bother elaborating much more

idk how much longer ill be up but ill probably skim some old posts to figure things out, mostly night/crich/trochi

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I can’t wait to see what the spec chat has to say about me post game.

I’m sure people don’t think ur the mm anymore and it was just a moment of suspicion, it happens

Pushing this aside let’s just move past it

hey min random question

how much do you remember of the time trochi poured acid down your throat

I remember the fact that she poured acid down my throat and then put her hand down it to heal me lmao


how bad was it

and can you remind me when it happened, i have a theory

February 12 1:10 am est (time stamp go brr) was when trochi healed me

12:59 am was when I consumed it and it started burning like acid immediately

1:05 am my esophagus swelled and felt like it was burning


maybe my theory doesnt hold up
