DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(I’m assuming by the flip he had a WC wincon)

yo we just yeeted King Arthur lmao

…you don’t say

(I think that much is obvious, yes)

fuck you I’ll be as obvious as I want

(Sorry Birb, we made you lose)

(Why didn’t he tel me he had a suicide wincon I mighta helped him lmao😭)

Matilda unceremoniously drops to the floor and starts gasping for breath, unable to handle the absurdity of the scenario. She’s cackling madly, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes.

“This- this is absolutely golden…!”

(Kat confirmed wildcard that has to be an accomplice to the Blackened? :flushed: )

kat is confirmed participant

DatBird has failed his Wildcard objective:

Part of his rolecard will be revealed as a consequence of this:

  • Sleeping Knights (Passive) - You are a Wildcard. You are only able to win by completing the following objective- Commit a murder that nobody, not even the Mastermind, can solve. This is only possible through use of your Ultimate Ability. [Redacted]

almost like this was exactly what i said the wincon was

…well, close enough

“Now then… Lachesis, shall we dispatch this meddlesome spirit?”

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(You keep saying this

It amuses me


(he’s just casually an undead king)
(this really is hilarious lmao)

But cowards thus for death can idly cry;
The brave still have it in their pow’r to die.
Then to th’ appointed tree he hastes away,
The veil first gather’d, tho’ all rent it lay:
The veil all rent yet still it self endears,
He kist, and kissing, wash’d it with his tears.
Tho’ rich (he cry’d) with many a precious stain,
Still from my blood a deeper tincture gain.
Then in his breast his shining sword he drown’d,
And fell supine, extended on the ground.


Disclaimer: the views expressed in this poem are not my own

Please do not use Ovid’s Metamorphoses as a source of life advice

(He killed himself so he wouldn’t have to kill any of us :pensive:)

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To be fair, I dont think he had a chance

(Damn we shoulda policied TL so I can laugh at the dead neuts

And then let my boy dat win

And then win myself!