DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

where can i learn this ritual

  • Grabed a torch and went down the right path 2021-02-16T22:34:00Z
  • Talked through if we should travel together or alone with [Amelia]
  • Went down the left path 2021-02-16T22:54:00Z
  • Investigated the Art on both the left and right walls 2021-02-16T23:07:00Z
  • Checked out a typewriter that after i typed something on it made it feel almost as if an explosion had happened in my head and made me feel extremly depresed. 2021-02-17T23:15:00Z
  • Went back to the Posterum room and to the center room from there 2021-02-17T23:20:00Z
  • Sat at the desk and checked the paperwork 2021-02-16T23:25:00Z
  • Got some antidepressants from the shelve due to the earlyier events 2021-02-16T23:33:00Z
  • Checked the desk compartments and read the papers there 2021-02-16T23:40:00Z
  • Skimmed some essays i found but couldn’t commect it to the other papers 2021-02-18T00:12:00Z
  • Went to the right room instead kinda was worried something happened to Amelia cause i never saw them since i left orginally nor anyone else. 2021-02-18T00:16:00Z

“That’s about it really am not dealing with that typewriter again and actually asked the people i found to go deal with it or leave it alone cause that hurt.”

Not from a jedi

(So the sith i understand)

Room names.

ok bye
if someone hasn’t found a way to box in katze despite me being with them the entire time by the time i wake up then i will be disappointed

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Actually no, I get which rooms you refer too.

(i actually gave trochi the potion in chapter 2 so my alibi is airtight glgl)

katze used shadow-clone jutsu to make it seem like he was with you, while secretly setting up the murder whilst simultaneously default dancing.

I have no proof for this but plz believ

Posterum L
Posterum F
Posterum R

Forgot what the main center room was


Literally just Tomb.

But yes.

@TrustworthyLiberal do you know who of other people entered the NeG?

The NeG?
No one entered the two side rooms after I saw Amelia atleast that I saw

Non-euclidean geometry. Part where Library is at.

(No then I left second after App who went straight.)

Thank you.

Prosecution has no other question to the wintess.

(Cool back to my appointment I guess lol.)

(Got pushed back 10 minutes nvm I guess.
Can you restate everyone that got writing checked? Off previous text obviously.)


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