DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(I thought more where okay then.)

(you coulda writing checked me by checking ur wall smh)

“So where does that lead us? As well how high a chance do we think it is they willing drank it knowing what it was?”

Prosecution calls witnesses @Aelin and @Jane to the stand.

Seriously speaking, most of other people will have no information.

But like if you found something, speak ahead.

(im doing what all the cool kids do and not presenting my evidence yet :joy_cat:)

Hi I’m worthless because I was led to believe this was an obvious suicide due to trochi willingly consuming poison b

ottom text

Idk I starting moving before Tro did

Going back to sleep see ya

So what clues do we have so far

(Legit mostly whats above.

  • A few atleast semi clears based on past writings (Tl/Light/Min)
  • People assume [Trochi] got the potion in the tombs somewhere so likely someone who went in here
  • Someone had to find/get the chemicals
  • Unlikely Eevee social read also the one to point it as not suicide

Hope that helps alittle)

My pathing this chapter has been

Go to new tower
see apprentice kill dragon and open new area
go to sleep
wake up and trochi is dead

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(me and arctic were together basically the entire chapter, minus a small bit early on where he was reading but that was pre-dragon slain)

(I keep forgetting that so yeah this as well)

(i still think suicide is very possible

curious what eevee has to say and then i can find out if what i found is relevant


(Is it possible: yes.
Do they have a suicide win con: No based on what we know and Dats)

(dats wincon wasn’t explicitly suicide related

i still think ‘suicide wincon’ is… lame. unlikely to exist. maybe more unlikely with dats wincon. but dats wincon definitely didn’t have suicide in mind imo so im not gonna flat out say “it doesnt exist” but i also think its unlikely to exist regardless so… :joy_cat:

trochis character was <interesting> enough that i could see them downing cyanide expecting to live tho tbh

if it was anyone else id never think this

good job trochi ily)

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(Think that’s fair also the fact [Trochi] was almost never a WC lol)

(if trochi is a wildcard im tunneling you to the 8th circle of hell and back glgl)