DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

((wait, what if
((the motive that got released after 48 hours was

((you are the prime minister of Japan :flushed: drv3

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Given the text-based nature of the game, who can say whether the “j” in “Sonja” is pronounced like a j or like a y?

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i’ll just say i’m shortsighted enough to consistently read the j as an i

((Sondgea Eriksson strikes again :joy_cat:

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wtf i just looked again and thought that joke i made about misreading came true but it actually had an “i” in the op

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i am outraged

((Iane - Sonia Erjksson, Ultjmate Toxjcologjst


on the bright side
i think we can say now say with certainty, that it is pronounced son-ya

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((Son :information_source: a

(This makes me think bad thoughts.)

here’s something for you all to think about

“A bag has ten stones. Each stone has a letter on it, as well as an image. There was:
A stone with a bloody knife, and the letter E
A stone with three people, two adults and a child, and the letter D
A stone with a golden coin, and the letter T
A stone with a house and an ox, and the letter Y
A stone with a person standing on a house, looking at another house, and the letter I
A stone with a vein carrying blood, and the letter A
A stone with a beautiful woman, and the letter N
A stone with a picture of a golden calf, and the letter S
A stone with a grand canopy bed, and the letter Y
A stone with two people holding hands, and the letter S”

longest single word you can make is dynasties but we already tried that so it’s probably multiple words or a name
actually probably not a name but

Have you tried making two separate words?

That second y is an issue.

I’m forming a league

i don’t think the second y appreciated that

A puzzle solving mastermind finding league

A small building has been unlocked!

In addition, in the next chapter, old areas will be refilled with new items.


isn’t that just everyone
even if you plan on killing you still have to play with the consideration that you may not be able to do so

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Chapter Four: The Bloodsoaked Revels Of The City Dionysia will begin at 2021-02-20T18:00:00Z

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