DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

((sanity dies

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this is what we were trying to solve after mine and katze’s beyblade match before we were interrupted by light telling us trochi killed himself

too bad we don’t have jane anymore
i was considering posting this during the trial but we never really solved the trial

Tbf I almost decided to finish reading my book instead

we were also considering not identifying the body so we had more time to explore
but then curiosity got the better of me
and i wasn’t even sure i believed you

You called it sus that I couldn’t get back to the library

It was the first thing that made me want to shoot you

i mean
none of us had explored any of the neg part yet so i hope it was kind of understandable why we were a bit skeptical

I literally stated it was non-Euclidean geometry before Geyde even said anything you nerd although to be fair I personally experienced it and have a minuscule amount of experience with the topic

((I sadly don’t think I can top this
((this should have been the answer to the puzzle >:(

should i be worried that i didn’t immediately realise you were actually answering it
at first i thought you meant you couldn’t solve it

like your sanity died trying to solve it

understandable since I swapped a y for an i to make the joke better
also in the name of sonya eriksson

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if the puzzle was somehow intricate enough to require us to replace letters with ones that could produce a similar sound then i can safely say we were never going to solve it anyway

“A bag has ten stones. Each stone has a letter on it, as well as an image. There was:
A stone with a bloody knife, and the letter E - 6th Commandment: Thou shalt not murder
A stone with three people, two adults and a child, and the letter D - 5th Commandment: Honour thy father and thy mother
A stone with a golden coin, and the letter T - 8th Commandment: Thou shalt not steal
A stone with a house and an ox, and the letter Y
A stone with a person standing on a house, looking at another house, and the letter I - 10th Commandment: Thou shalt not covet (neighbour’s house)???
A stone with a vein carrying blood, and the letter A - if this is wordplay on the 3rd commandment (Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain) then cringe
A stone with a beautiful woman, and the letter N
A stone with a picture of a golden calf, and the letter S - 2nd commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before me
A stone with a grand canopy bed, and the letter Y
A stone with two people holding hands, and the letter S”

this could just be nothing but


That would be then
with YNYS missing
1st: I am the Lord thy God
4th: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
7th: Thou shalt not commit adultery
9th: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

I’m thinking the ‘I’ probably would make more sense as the 9th because the person is in fact witnessing their neighbour?
The stone with the house and ox is more likely to be the 10th because it mentions not to covet your neighbours house, animal, or property
so if this is correct at all, it would more likely be


this could be thou shalt not commit adultery
it’s just a woman

oh you already did that one

no, I didn’t
but the fact that the remaining three don’t match up neatly means I don’t have faith that this is the actual answer

yeah i saw you mentioned that commandment in your next post so i figured you did that one
then i actually read the post