DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Ok I’m here. So we’re going to autumnal tower first then.

Did you know that there is stuff from previous chapters that you all missed?

Yes, we do.

reminder to all players that AP is a thing

please continue to track it

thank you

Night falls.

Histories fall to the dark of the grave/
As the centuries march and the memories fade/
Of the fields, and the halls, and the calls of the men/
And the people that rose and were slaughtered again/
As the winter storms bury our forefathers’ halls/
And their honored names vanish from crumbling walls/
But the questions and answers and secrets and truths/
Last longer in stories, last longer in stories than stone.



The sun rises over Feybrook.

And then turns hollow, the light seeming to fade somewhat. It’s still… there, but despite the sky being clear, and the mist gone, the day feels overcast, and faintly tinted… red.

tree is back from lunch

please bump actions

tree is back from class

by which I mean ‘not actually going to class because I wrote down the wrong location’

please bump actions

Night falls.

The world around you begins to look less … real.

tree host is sleeping

Luna will probably take over in a bit

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Monke is inevitable

ah yes

7 hours

a bit

10 minutes.

“So. Here we are. An End. Not the end, of course, because you are going to fail.”

“This entire time, one person, the Mastermind has been manipulating events. They are the reason you are here, they are the reason your freinds are dead. And you must expose them by the end of this trial, or everything will just… happen all over agian.”

“Part of me hopes you’ll succeed, so we can go home.”

“Part of me knows you’ll fail.”

“But this isn’t about me.”
“This isn’t about us.”
“This is about you.”
“What you believe.”
“Why you believe it.”
“What you’ve done.”
“One of you is not what they seem.”

“Welcome… to the Final Trial.”

You have 48 hours to discuss the Mastermind’s identity. At the end of these 48 hours, the player with the most votes will be selected as the Mastermind, irrespective of vote weight.

Vote correctly, you escape.

Vote incorrectly, and… you know what’ll happen.

“Well, shall we get started?”

(i feel like doing this trial in roleplay)

it’s me

im the mm

shut the hell you’re mouth

Alright here’s the drill.
No one locks their vote early until we’ve talked this thing through.
We only have one chance to get this right.