DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

“Even better idea: no one locks their vote at all.”

“shut the hell you are mouth” -Harleck Abode, whatever fucking year it is

I think we’re going to need to rely on a social clear on either min/trochi and hope we got the 50/50 right.

i hope you don’t believe i was actually trying to be literate

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

I’ll be back in a bit, still dealing with something irl

So I’ll ask this now

I have a potion that will let me remember things gooder

Obviously I have to have some sort of memory of the event for me to remember it better but does anyone have any suggestions

I have one event in mind, but I figure there’s a decent chance others can be suggested

Harleck before you left, you said min hasn’t been doing much in the trials.
Can you tell me if this has been ever since Ch1?

“It’s been… quite the recurring theme, if I’m being honest. He’s done more this Chapter, but even then I’m not sure to what extent.”

Also I think the entire PoE should fullclaim there’s literally no reason not to


I think the trial outcome is going to rely on how we socially solve min as they’ve been alive up to now and are in the MM PoE. They’ve been following me around with the puzzle, albeit not being able to help much.

“I told Alyx my thoughts about how Geoffrey could be the Mastermind, but I’ll save that for later. We should probably discuss the physical evidence we’ve found first.”

aka i want to see mine and katze’s loreclears
if possible

Apprentice I’ve socially cleared because of his contributions in Ch1 trial and solving the puzzle in the Hall of Failures.

I like how you so conveniently excluded yourself. Others may have their cases for your innocence, but between your Ch4 intermission performance (trying to tighten the MM PoE at that point feels unreasonably early to me, because it puts the MM on guard for any future behavior slips they might make), your overeagerness to push a loreclear that didn’t make sense (since MM can fake what they see in Moon Corridor and what you claimed to see wasn’t terribly relevant to the contents of the Observatory computer anyhow) and your initial response to hearing that I was lorecleared (expressing doubt on the basis that I’d found my own loreclear while alone, something I expected only the guy deathtunneling me to do) all make me hesitant to place you above scrutiny.

I mean if I’m voted out, then we’ll have to go through it all over again in another iteration.
I’d rather that didn’t happen.

this is the main thing that pinged me
i still have no idea how crich thinks the computer thing cleared him?

The logic was that Josephine apparently left that message while being killed, and this was supposed to be proof of Susannah’s claim that she’d seen herself vivisecting Josephine in the Moon Corridor mirror (since vivisection is a slow enough form of death that someone could conceivably leave a message in the middle of it).

Like, even before knowing that Mastermind knows how to fake what’s in the mirror, that’s shaky as hell.

I thought that would indicate that I didn’t have TMI on you being a participant, which the MM by definition would have.

And let’s not forget that Susannah again tried to point to the Moon Corridor mirror just a bit ago in Ritual Athaeneum, Harleck, despite knowing full well by that point that Mastermind can fake what they see and it’s therefore useless for trying to clear anyone.

Seeing as I was subbed in during Ch4 class trial, that would be because I was trying to make this slot as useful as possible by trying to solve for who the MM is.