DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

My PoE is still within Min/Trochi and right now I’m thinking it’s more likely Trochi here.
Yes some of you are going to say “Light said something similar in his backstory in the theatre”, yet I don’t think min said anything like that in their backstory.

this is true and that’s why i’m reading most of the scummy stuff you’ve done as a confused villager lacking TMI
but the issue is regardless of your alignment… you’ve had the information, but a lot of the time you’re trying to push things which we confirmed are invalid

plus now that you’ve shown you’re aware of this… :joy_cat:

crich and min are going to have a wolf-off

If Trochi were alive, then we could have had a thunderdome between two MM candidates and we’d have a better chance of finding them socially with Trochi.

If you read the article I posted earlier by Newcomb, one of the posters pointed out that villagers and wolves tend to react very differently to cop checks.
Lore would be the equivalent of a cop check in this game.


I don’t think crich is mm

Wanting to clear yourself isn’t mm ai

If forums would let me respond with just three straight lines of question marks, I would do so.

This x10, especially considering being non mm and not being cleared is so stressful

that’s not really the main argument being brought against him

it depends how much you made yourself obviously not MM
i would much rather be in your shoes right now because i’d have more information at the expense of being in the PoE myself, though i don’t think i would ever get voted anyway

I’m trying to explain but I don’t think?? it’s mm ai at all

do you know how anxious it is being in the mm poe when I’m not mm because a loreclear wasn’t found on me? Everyone else is sitting back and watching because they don’t have to worry about being chosen wrong because their clear was found

…not true
we all lose if we get the MM wrong, it’s just as much in our interest to not vote incorrectly as it is yours

like that’s not how we’re playing this game
the people in the PoE need to defend themselves and help the discussion, the rest of us need to decide who to kill
there is no sitting back

The assertion you’re trying to make, unless I’m deeply mistaken, is that Mastermind doesn’t want people thinking that they’re cleared, which… what the fuck, no, of course they do, because then anyone who tries to argue that the Mastermind is in fact the Mastermind has to explain why the “clear” isn’t accurate, which makes their efforts to correctly identify the Mastermind that much harder. So Mastermind absolutely wants to try and push the idea that there’s something clearing them, and it’s why we keep breaking down the more speculative clears to ensure that they stand up to scrutiny.

there is however the issue that MM might not want to push clears on them because they’re obviously flawed in some way, so if they were found to be wrong then this would be an incredibly bad look for them

No, I’m not saying that- I’m saying that it’s clearly not just the mm who’d panic

Also participants as I’ve mentioned before should have no signs of TMI in their play.
We find who has TMI of the blackened for example out of min/Trochi and we vote them out.

You know, the way you keep mentioning TMI, I wanna make a joke about you having TMI on TMI.