DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I mean that’s one way wolves get caught in FM.

i am once again telling you that this is going to end up being a fruitless endeavour as literally everyone in the PoE treed all trials and investigations except one of them in one trial

… I didn’t tree every trial lmao what

perhaps i should make the distinction between trees and not doing anything then

This, and it’s why I hate the idea of “Oh, we got X clears and we were expected to socially read the remaining people” because all of the remaining people are the damn trees.

Yea you know that makes sense

But fun fact, most of the time it wasn’t even my fault!

I kept saying during Ch6 that we were getting clears on people we already socially read as unlikely to be the Mastermind.

it’s kind of a pisstake but i’ll take it for the loreclear on you

I asked people to wheelchair me with them while investigating on Marl, and nobody did!

I would even ask in investigations where people visited so I wouldn’t revisit a place already looked at. No answer

I don’t like this situation any more than you right now.
I’m not going to make excuses for my predecessor being a tree for way too much this game.
And neither on myself for that matter.

(I knew it. I knew you were still gonna tunnel my ass if I wasn’t lorecleared.)

I may of been lazy at times and that’s true, but it didn’t help when nobody actively even tried to answer me or help me when I wanted to help

alyx yawns

“Maybe I should spice this up and drink my potion prematurely, this back and forth is… boring.”

Do you seriously not know how annoyed I was when I kept asking people to being me with them in Marls investigation and it felt like you all just ignored me! Nobody brought me with them despite the fact I asked you too because I literally wanted to help out. I actually even helped look around in this chapter with crich and others. The issue is just that I literally do not know how to actually solve 95% of puzzles because I’m stupid. I still tried though! I had to leave due to irl stuff but I tried and I’ve even expressed several times that I would lose wim because I couldn’t find anyone and nobody would say where they were going to even attempt to make it somewhat bearable and just

I’m sorry I’m being salty right now but h

“…although I would prefer Alicia present while I do that, for… reasons.”

(@eevee when can you be around)

Yes I confirm Min did follow me around during this chapter.

Huh I don’t think min looks like they’re the MM here.
I think their reasons for clearing me aren’t the best, though I think that looks more like a participant whose life is on the line than a cornered MM.
Incidentally, that’s how I read Arctic as not MM when Tan tried to “thunderdome” me with Arctic.
He didn’t give up and instead gave reasons on why I’m more likely rand not MM.

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At least I made an effort to tell you where I was going in an attempt to coodinate.

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The more you talk, the worse it gets; this time, it was you explicitly saying in the Ritual Athaeneum that you never thought Harleck was MM due to his behavior in trials, only to now say that it was the “thunderdome” (by the way, this was derived from the Hall of Failures “”“clears”"", which left only you, Harleck and I at the time if they were all valid) that caused you to read him as not MM.
(If someone other than Susannah thinks I’m going way too deep on the tunnel, please tell me, but holy hell, it feels like everything she says anymore is a contradiction of things she previously said.)

Except I’ve been saying that Arctic was likely not MM since Ch4 trial.
You saying that the MM was in either Me or Arctic made me even more sure when I watched his reaction to you.