DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Tan I’ve always been saying that Arctic was probably not MM ever since ch4.
Sheesh I know you don’t like me, yet don’t pretend that what I said about the “thunderdome” doesn’t add with what I said about my social read on Arctic after Ch4.

Also if multiple people disagree with you on someone you scumread, there is probably a reason for that.
You might want to step back and ask why.

…You know, that’s not unreasonable. Folks who want to speak on why they think Susannah is an unlikely MM, please do so, you might end up saving me from consuming the thread with a pointless tunnel. But be warned that I will be double-checking your reasoning to make sure it holds water, as is only reasonable.
(I’m just gonna say now, I remember someone, I think Harleck, making the case that a planned murder by Susannah felt genuine enough that they were unlikely to be Mastermind; I will obviously not accept that, because we’ve established quite firmly by now that MM suspects having convincingly realistic but ultimately unsuccessful murder attempts means basically nothing in terms of evidence against them being MM.)

(i dont think theyre MM rn
but i dont have a compelling case as to why
so take it with a grain of salt)

Uh Tan if I frustrated you, that wasn’t my intention.
If it means anything to you, it’s on me for sometimes being unclear.
I shouldn’t have been surprised you missed out on how I was “boxed in” with Arctic also added up with my not MM read on Arctic thanks to him outing TL Ch4. Especially given that MM!Arctic could easily have chained a mistrial if he didn’t do anything to shake up the PoE which helped catch TL.

See I look at what actions would make sense if they were this alignment or in this case MM.
Would MM!Arctic have tried to score a 2nd mistrial after Ch3? Yes they would have.
Yet the fact he didn’t contradicted worlds where Arctic is the MM.
Yes I know they’re lore cleared, these are my thoughts on Arctic after Ch4 was over.

Crich actively hasn’t acted like mm in my eyes

Not a solid case but just how they’ve been , not really seeing much mm equity here

They’ve actually tried to be actively helpful since they’ve replaced in

(this aged really well)

(also if anyone can figure out why i’m rereading this part of the game they get a cookie :’) )

1 is minimum btw

That’s a lol post.
Anyway where are you on min/Trochi being the MM?

@Katze Im here

(how long can you be here, i need a bit)

you’re all wrong

i have been obviously MM this entire game

Harleck thinks I’ll hug him if he pretends to be Alyx… Think again.

(last call for “things katze should try to remember via the potion of gooder memory”, before i drink it)

Katze downs a chug jug


Ok Katze, you’ve drunk that special potion liquid. Lets make it count.

“…im still open to more ideas, but hopefully what I have will be good…”

you’re probably trying to read trochi’s behaviour

(not quite)

does not quite mean i got the wrong person or the wrong objective