DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]


part of me is like “wow, why would the hosts so blatantly incriminate trochi if he’s the MM” but also like what was he doing if he’s not the MM

i earlier theorized wildcard, and honestly? maybe??? but i kiiiinda doubt it, given Dat is confirmed one and TL was… almost definitely a second one

idk, i expected all wildcards to be confirmed to be one after death once Dat was, and evidently if trochi or TL contains one that isn’t the case

towncred, and also derps was never not going to be in a small PoE for this kill

possible he didn’t know that the letters would actually give us that much?

at a glance they’re not insanely useful

for the record i think apprentice MM worlds are a fair bit less likely than trochi MM worlds i just don’t think im gonna clear him for ‘bussing’ the first killer

realistically he did more than just bus derps he buried derps but shh

I mean there was ch2 when the hosts said you can vote dead players as the blackened.

I was aiming more for “If Matilda had gone to the Obelisk in Ch2 that anyone knew of and nothing noticeably changed about the Obelisk following Ch2 trial, then she absolutely had no good reason to go back there and find the poison Ch3”.

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(i was with trochi a decent bit in CH2 iirc, and i never went to the obelisk, but obviously i can’t say for sure he didn’t)

(if i were to defend him here id say that CH2 was relatively short and he could have just never had time to check it)

I gained pyroclasm which is basically:

you can summon fire from your hands. you can make this fire accelerate very quickly towards yourself. you are not fireproof

that was from the “what do you want to murder? :flushed:” motive? i thought u said that was from a potion

oh no it was just new ability I got

Pat was in the box

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Pat as in Pat the Imp?
Ah I remember. He was with you during Operation Saving Private Geoff.

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If I remember correctly, everyone except the mastermind had a boon that would help them in the killing game.
The MM’s “boon” is fake if I remember it correctly. Yet Apprentice’s boon was Pat the Imp and that was verified to be real.

(Pretty sure by “fake” it just meant they wouldn’t be able to kill with it
And afaik he never tried to kill anyone, he just threatened me emptily :flushed: )

I would think that Pat the Imp would have been useful as part of a murder plan if I didn’t know any better.

(Sure but having items that can assist in killing isn’t clearing or we’d clear everybody :joy_cat: )

Even so I don’t think Apprentice has particularly high MM equity here. Unlike someone else who is dead I could name.

katze’s points are good and i was thinking mainly the same thing

in DR4 i was told geyde planted poison in the cafeteria

my main problem is that aside from the weird stuff there, he acted very not like MM

The line from the theatre is also incredibly damning

I still don’t think it makes sense for participant!Trochi to make a big show of drinking that potion that was really a lethal dose of sodium cyanide. It’s almost as though they knew it was poison, and only the MM would know that through the cameras.

Also the way min has been acting this trial is very much not MM at all.
If they were the MM, why not try to push for me to be executed as i’m one of the obvious suspects as MM after min. Yet min instead says no I’m not MM.
Which doesn’t make sense if min were the MM.
Combined with my social clear on Arctic, Trochi is boxed in as the MM.

Edit: Social clear on Apprentice.

Seriously that quote from Trochi’s movie should along with the social clears equal a boxed in MM here.