DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

it makes more sense as participant to drink it with people than MM

if they drank it with people then people would be more likely to think it’s a suicide and vote him which wouldn’t count as a ML

however i said this before and it’s likely that MM trochi would know that he could not die to poison that was not planted by anyone

I’ll go over the stuff the professor told me because it was literally the same thing

same thing as theatre

Professor Kobayashi? That’s the one you met right?


I know that name from the list of Project Jormugandr leaders whose objective was to shut down Project Ouroboros, to stop the deaths of more Ultimates.


she told me pretty much everything about the game and its motivations

this was at the start of chapter 4 before we knew any of this

and MM’s motivations

Well I think this is something that could box in the MM here.
No reason to not speak up here as you’re lore cleared as a participant.

yes i just woke up chill

these are the relevant parts i was told but i’ve amended the grammatical errors

“There’s a classic problem that’s often brought up about consequentialist ethics, particularly utilitarian ethics, which is that it can sometimes be considered moral to torture somebody in order to save a city from certain destruction, right?”

“The Mastermind is doing everything they’re doing off a similar calculation. they falsely believe that we have the power to stop the Game Of The Knot, which you probably know as the Ultimate Hunt, at any time, and what they’re trying to do is…”

“They’re trying to make the game as bloody and horrific as possible in order to force us to stop the game permanently, totally unaware that we can’t.”

“So far they’ve killed thousands and made many more versions of you miserable, but in their mind, they’re still moral, because they think they’re saving an infinite number of you all”

“A few thousand vs. infinity… that’s the calculation they think they’re making. But the fact is that the game would have stopped hundreds of loops ago if it weren’t for them. It’s because of them that it’s continuing for so long.”

“This is what Matilda experienced at the convent, right? She was forced to suffer and feel the pain of those she healed in order to save them from their wounds after being punished.”

“And this is the part that’s similar to what Matilda herself said. Although, now that I think about it, to what extent is the theatre just fiction? How could whoever have made these clips know each detail about what was said?..”

actually she didn’t say this, it was just what the nun told her to say

Ok so if Matilda isn’t the MM, then that movie doesn’t make sense.
Yet if they are the MM, then it makes total sense that it exists.
I would think that the researchers of the knot would have ways to find the back stories of each applicant before accepting them.

Don’t you think that all those years with those nuns would have taught her some beliefs that would carry over up to now?

I think we vote Trochi and pray we’re correct. I really don’t see a better option here, though as we have one more day at least we can talk this out more.

Ok this might the way to figure out if Trochi is the MM once and for all.
Lets assume that Trochi isn’t the MM.
Now based on the clues we have so far and evidence, does this all fit into a world where Trochi isn’t the MM?
If not, then the opposite must be the case.

Oh yeah I would like to call attention to the thread state.
The thread state doesn’t make sense if Trochi is not MM.
Trochi being not MM doesn’t explain min’s behavior for example during this trial.
Min isn’t acting like a boxed in MM at all, no they’re more like a participant as the way they read me is the same with Apprentice who is also in the PoE.
The behavior of min, Apprentice and I doesn’t fit a thread state with one of us being the MM.

Yet if Trochi is the MM, then it makes perfect sense.

I see no one else has mentioned that one of the letters Dennis warned us about the MM getting themselves killed and therefore making the participants mistakenly believe that the MM is still alive because the killing game was still ongoing.
Yet that appears to be exactly what happened to Trochi if they are indeed the MM as I suspect.

light had a similar thing mentioned in his clip, which might be a deliberate hint to suggest that having this in his clip is not damning for trochi

ok yes, but i’m curious as to how they know the exact wordings of what was said
because this kind of matters
it could just be artistic license

probably, yes, but she did try to escape them so clearly she wasn’t complacent with her situation and agreed with the nuns

since chapter 3 this entire time i’ve been thinking no living person could be MM socially except tangeld, so that’s probably why i’m accepting trochi being MM more easily than i should be

the main thing for me is that we haven’t found any evidence hinting at the mastermind’s identity except for this thing in the theatre, which could mean it’s either real (since we haven’t got any yet) or it’s fake since we’re not supposed to get any of these hints and instead just rely on loreclears
i don’t know how to establish which

bold of you to assume you aren’t acting like a nervous mastermind

this means nothing because it’s based on previous iterations so it has exactly no relevance to how the mastermind has been acting this game
the mastermind has not done all of those things in there this loop