DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I would be pushing them way more given evidence we have if you didn’t do weird shit.

Who were you even reaction testing? Me?

… i did fuck all
i remember skimming the thread and saw katze say apprentice was lorecleared and i just assumed it was a joke/RT then forgot that they didn’t actually tell you

… good job then.

so what evidence do you have against apprentice anyway

Mostly that it was him vs CRichard and I thought Apprentice did way worse in early game and did literally nothing in late game.

the entire PoE have done hardly anything this game

Who else is even in PoE?


No, thats not stupid question, considering you lied about clears.


this is something

there are a few discrepancies in trochi’s ISO and he’s also done the least things that make me go ‘this is a participant without TMI’

and by least i mean like
hardly any

Trochi cannot be MM?

these seemingly innocuous posts are pinging me and i don’t know why

why not

if you know something then now is the time to say it :joy_cat:

maybe i shouldn’t be reading into this but how likely is is for the MM to say this

i feel like the ultimate witch would have been able to do stuff other than just healing but trochi didn’t really seem to… advertise that

MM was alive during Jane trial.

ok this
this is pinging me

i might be looking into it too much, but as a participant i would have seen this more as ‘the fates/MM don’t know who the killer is’ instead of phrasing it as ‘they couldn’t tell MM who did it’
it could be a perspective thing