DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I wanna say they did which is the problem

Check ch2 deadly life?

yeah i just did
they did actually say that

does anybody know crich’s meta
is he usually this blatant

(We’re gonna have to talk about this after all is said and done; zero judgement, this isn’t a threat or any dumb shit like that, but I genuinely have no idea what it is that has had you declaring me lockMM basically since I got into this game.)

FM meta?


the answer is kind of complicated

there are multiple moments i would definitely attribute to him being a wolf

but a lot more i’d attribute to him being a villager?

unfortunately i think using FM meta here is kinda ineffective, mostly due to lack of playtime on his end, but also due to it not being FM

the whole “flailing at being suspected” thing is like… probably not as AI as you think of him, though


socially your slot seemed most likely MM when it was still mist
then when i poked at you, all of your responses seemed really bad and it just furthered the confbias

(mist was prob my top MM read but you were obv not MM after like the first time we slept together so shrug)

idk why im talking in parenthesis again

anyway uh

tan, when you solved all those puzzles with crich, how much did he actually help

Also, the grand return of Alicia’s Flowergirl claim, with mere minutes to spare, is making this shit spicy. It’s a good thing I don’t lock my votes. Alicia, please explain this one, because if you have something to point away from Matilda, now would be the time to share.

if eevee had an actual clear on trochi he probably would have been a bit more forceful by now

You mean the Vernal Tower puzzles? Susannah literally walked in halfway through the last one (Room of Spirals), and nothing she said or did was essential to solving that puzzle (though, in fairness, I did openly say that I was looking at it from X angle that turned out to be wrong, so I may have thrown her off from actually helping).

But yeah, Tower of Absolution and Tower of Pain I fully solved before Susannah got there.

i mean hes been saying the MM was alive for trochis trial for a bit

but i don’t know why

oh for some reason i thought you two were together longer


we did well in terms of solving the murders this game even if we ignore the fact that like, 2 killers confessed
it would be nice if participants could actually win a dangan game for once tbh

(For the folks keeping track at home, we’re up to three times now.)

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it’s also funny that i tunneled misty as MM twice in a row in miscs

(i think four actually
i submitted to sleep next to you on the very last night but i dont think geyde ever announced it
or i just suck at counting)

(I’m counting that. Are you remembering not to count the time where I just treed outside your dorm one night, and when you woke up and left your room you carried me into your room and laid me down on your bed? We didn’t actually sleep “together” that time.)

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(oh yeah thats the mistake :joy_cat:)

i realize there were a lot of things i probably should have tested with my fork