DR6 Disinterest Check

The thing is that everyone has a unique True Ending condition. So, some of them might require knocking players out or putting them in positions that could potentially kill them. Some of them might even extend so far as requiring active sabotage of other players’ efforts to escape. I will admit, I used a bad example, because I wanted to keep most of the good ideas in reserve for an actual game.

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For context, I have thought of a few True Endings that would set up players as… outright villains, if they try to acheive them.

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Completely unrelated but

Have you thought about having a game where players actually create their character from start to finish (obviously balanced) and have it be more on the RP-side, I feel that it’d be a good way to actually have a different experience

i’ve considered that but to be frank that sounds like
far, far too much work. there has to be a birds’ eye perspective.
look you can trust me i made a game that people liked for some reason you’re in good hands

I guess, it’d be more like actual DnD than a misc at this point lol

I mean I’m probably never playing a DR (or VLDR) game again (maybe of course) because of how the game is made around players being in the same timezone and me being one of the rare europeans that actually have to go to sleep early but yeah obviously there wouldn’t be a DR6 if the first few games were a dumpsterfire so obviously you did things right

I feel like if everyone goes for their true ending that’s going to lead to issues

that’s why not everyone even knows what theirs is from the start of the game

Well, you see, I can’t exactly tell how these are going to work because we haven’t seen them in execution.

As far as I know, some of these could include murdering someone and then you only actually learn it by Chapter 6, what happens then? Just, Good Ending only?

Also what’s the point in going for a True Ending, especially if it involves escaping (sometimes)

bragging rights
but you also get a far better ending in terms of length and investment if you go through with it, in terms of flavour.

can one of the wincons be “do a legitimate cool kill”

because I’m bored of people being like “haha break into dorm haha stabby stabby hahahaha”

there will absolutely be wincons that incentivise people to perform outlandish, elaborate or intersting kills

good luck with this concept

if you need someone to help with ideas just hit me up and I can slightly help but probably not as much as other people.

I don’t think this is that possible on this site as the place’s kind of small. DR games are popular, but if you’re trying to get a playerlist only of players like Marshall or Katze then you’ll be making the game too exclusive.

Doing bad things don’t always need to involve killing. I think that Ici’s imagining something like my wildcards.

Disagree. Class trials are still the major portion of the gameplay, so it’s more Danganronpa than VLDR.

I feel like for the sake of the spirit of the game to work that everyone should be playing to obtain their True Ending.

Eh, problem here is that a lot of the players who already tend to play the game safe would just make their character as safe-like as possible. Ici’s goal here is to make sure the game continues being entertaining even when the more crazy players die or win early on, so pushing the players out of their comfort zone may be necessary.

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Ideally game rule-wise I’d probably put it to require players to prioritize their True Ending over a Good Ending in an anti-gamethrowing-like stance. Otherwise you’ll still get many players just focusing on getting a Good Ending as soon as the more flashy-play kind of players win and die and the game begins getting boring later on.

Does this even happen?

The main reason I prevented players from breaking into other peoples’ dorms in DR1 and DR2 was to prevent this exact scenario.

Can someone explain what like 5-1 ect means

What’s sad about my murder is that I could’ve just dried my clothes but I didn’t realize they wouldn’t be stained

HPU allowed breaking into dorms and had two ‘break into dorm at night and stab the person’ kills

DR5 only had 1 and it had marginally more creativity

Game 5, first case

i think an entire game of players as active as me would probably just break the forums ngl (im scared to find out how many posts i had in every PM in DR5, but my classcard had nearly 5000, so…)

DR5 had only a few players i would say were too inactive

unfortunately there were moments where a majority of the alive players were on the inactive side but the game was a month long so shrug, don’t think you’re ever going to have a game without a few slower stints in a game that long

imo theres a problem with the dorms being super super safe

although in dr5 it was laughably easy to break into dorms until the hosts decided to stop letting me do the exact same thing time after time

then it was only easy

and i think the play surrounding them in dr5 was ~generally fine, more creative players didn’t hide items in their dorms directly/sleep in them if they were worried

If a kill is dumb just fudge the Rand and make it fail ez

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