DR6 Disinterest Check

So was the only “solved” poison murder 3-5

And that one barely counts

the real reason why poison-only murders aren’t good for the game is that they aren’t fun. they’re boring to plan, boring to execute, and frustrating to solve even if you can solve it.

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i agree that poison has a strong place in DR, but there should be more elements to the murder than just poison.

well yes considering the one who most significantly contributed to tightening the PoE was the Blackened. for some reason.


I mean they could win off the motive but still

i got 3-5 and 5-3 confused but i’m fine with this, the statement is not only true but also very funny


Ruining my plans even in suicide

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eevee also contributed a lot with their handwriting clears.

Eevee was in 3-5 :thinking:

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the only solvable poison murders were 3-5 and 5-3
coincidence? i think not

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4-1 was solvable if we actually got off our arses and solved it

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3-5 was way funnier though. on every level. just stone-cold hillarious.

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Italy consumes poison publicly

But what if it was Whysper?


like okay
trochi not questioning the big brain liquid was funny
but Italy straight up killing themselves in front of everybody was truly something

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I don’t know what 3-5 was

Italy commits suicide publicly lmao

And despite this the 3 other participants had to figure out who killed him

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italy drinks poison in main thread

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Out of curiosity, what do you guys think were some of the best DR cases we’ve had on this site?

okay in fairness, TL did consider trying to intercept the kill by killing Italy and having it be blamed on his suicide. it wasn’t entirely open and shut.

…it was mostly open and shut though.

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I want to say 3-4 for the “why” factor

Unironically 5-1 was great