DR6 Disinterest Check

look. DR5 was a hybrid game/RP. this whole idea is basicailly leaning into DR as that.

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but rp is bad

because it means you’re having fun

completely unrelated question, which is your favourite kind of location
  • boat
  • mountain
  • train
  • houses of parliament

0 voters

boy this poll sure is unrelated to anything else discussed in this thread huh

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How strange

Who could possibly guess it’s purpose

Houses of parliament dang it grandpa
Bottom text

i actually had an idea of a cruise ship map

but if someone else makes it a reality then it means i don’t have to so either way i win

Sees boat is number one result when I vote. Just gonna vote elsewhere so I dont have competition

what are you talking about
this is just a poll about locations that people might or might not like that has nothing to do with the rest of the thread that i wanted to post
definitely isn’t Dongon Ranpa

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Trains are cool right

cant believe this discrimination against democracy and also big hills

Trains feel too limited.

The wagons/rooms would be small and every room is just in one long line.

It’d be really hard to get away with stuff.

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the train/boat conflict of 2021 begins


All I’m saying is boats are cool. Example: 999. But I’m also saying I’m working on a boat based map. So like TRAINS ARE AWESOME

A boat for danganronpa has quite a bit to it.
It’s also been a thing for fan games and opens up possibilities.

Boats could give fun things like line of sight questions moreso and having to consider angles of attack.

Whereas trains are more of a straight line and if crimes happen during the night it’ll be hard to prove/disprove alibis… but also to be able to like make things challenging location wise. Plus Jane did say something else valid

Trains can have multiple floors. You can go on top and below possibly. They could also stop somewhere occasionally. :man_shrugging:

I just want to relive Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Part 42: Who Stole the Jar! - YouTube

Boats are cool too, but poll only had one option. :confused:

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why are you guys debating the merits of these locations for their suitability as DR maps when i simply wanted to ask an honest question about methods of transport that also have bedrooms on them, and also democracy and big piles of dirt and rocks?

i came out to have a good time and honestly i’m feeling so attacked right now


that’s what i thought, but you could have a second floor and stairs every ~3 carriages

(no but
train voters
why are you doing this)

Cruise ships are the best. Period.