DR6 Disinterest Check

Sad that they’ve been suspended due to the pandemic

traingan boatpa


if its a train cant you just dump all the bodies out the window

same with a boat

not if the train is stationary :flushed:

We could please everyone by having a train on the boat.

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well i guess that twist is out of the window now huh


Just put it on the moon it’ll be fine

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to be clear i actually just considered it as a joke
game design wise that is a terrible idea

Boat would be a good one, tbfh. It kind of reminds me of how the Monocruise was used in SDRA2.

Mountain is… eh. Feels kind of boring.

Train would be interesting, but the problem is that I have a hard time seeing a map well-designed for it that isn’t a straight line, which would make it hard to get away with murder.

Frankly I want house of parliament just for the sake of how much of a Bri’ish thing it would be.

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Technically I could see some speculative fiction shenanigans and have multi-level trains with multiple connectors to solve the linearity problem.

Add a rule against dumping stuff out of the window.

Boom. Problem solved.

you can’t dump it if you throw it out the window

Yesss. That’s what I was getting at with the boat thing

you could just cover all the windows
though there is the question on if people would go to the top of the train

how about
a mountain
but the ch6 plot twist was that the mountain was secretly a train all along
and the mastermind is the ultimate train conductor


Just have the next Danganronpa set up on the Orient Express 4Head.

What about Bri’ishrompa?

Add in the Ultimate Double Decker Drive, the Ultimate Royal Guardsman, the Ultimate Queen who’s a guaranteed survivor, the Ultimate Tea Drinker, and the Ultimate Prime Minister.



Don’t forget the ultimate delusional baker
every day he wakes up and bakes a batch of flavorless cookies and thinks they are biscuits

I would totally dig that.
We shouldn’t forget to add the Ultimate Kilt wearer errrr I mean Ultimate Scot.