DR6 Disinterest Check

someone called the Ultimate Football Player, but for some reason they play soccer??


Lets not forget the Ultimate Heir Apparent errr I mean Prince.

Honestly I wouldn’t be against it although I would be cringing forever

DR6: On A Sea Of Stars

Coming 2022, or maybe late 2021 if I do very well on my A-levels, who knows.

In the middle of a mysterious sea, sixteen strangers at the top of their respective fields awake on a luxurious boat. None have met before. And not all of them are going to meet each other anywhere else.

Murder, luxury, style and grace.

The Cerulean Naglfar has set sail on a voyage of your lifetime.


  • Vaporwave aesthetics!
  • True Endings, an exciting new system that, if you’re lucky, might even work!
  • A party to end a lifetime.
  • [Redacted]

WIth that announcement out of the way, and a confirmation that I Will do this as a reward for completing my A Levels, I will say this:

DR5 was Bri Ishronpa. It was explicitly set in the UK. Tan/Mist’s role got 1 extra AP due to being Scottish. I tried to make all of the names Bri Ish.

DR6, meanwhile, will feature talented eccentrics from all over the world, including… sigh… people from Japan. There will be marginally more anime in this one.

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also this one won’t be as stressful to host as DR5 for a number of reasons, msot notably that i’m going to plan the FUCK out of this one


i’m sold

final note: lore is still a WIP but i will be posting previews of the lore reflecting information the characters would know going into this game (it is not set in our world)

when? when i feel like it.

What ship is that irl? What are the odds I’ve been on it

i dont know im not a boatologist

will you decide who’s gonna be a co host

because if you’re running it during summer of 2022 I would be totally down with co hosting it

Apparently it’s some ship named the Britannia that I’ve never been on

this assumes I don’t kill everyone here and burn down the server bank holding this shitty forum before then

so I probably won’t be co hosting

i’m not going to decide cohosts in advance
i want to focus on my Vision™ first


my vision will be bad so that’s smart

also should I host DR7 before this just to make things confusing

DR7 will exclusively filled with politicians, famous celebrities, war criminals, and other persons that generate a lot of opinions

and also I will not be having any co hosts so I can ensure it gets canned

i’m not attatched to the number of the game
it can be DR6 if you want it to be

icibalus that was a joke

I know people think I have no standards but I have some

and those standards force me not to run political cartoon dangan

title is being workshopped right now

the real reason we host a dr6 before this is so we can see how well the true ending concept works