DR6 Disinterest Check

are you keeping the idea of a final trial or getting rid of that when you get rid of the concept of a Mastermind

if the former, 12 players doesn’t really work

i’m thinking of replacing it with a VLDR-style final escape sequence where the players have to break out of the game’s setting with the game over. i am willing for there to be a final trial to answer some sort of question that isn’t “who is the Mastermind?” though

if there’s anything post-trial-4 that requires more than 1-2 people, you need to have more than 12 in the game (since barring suicides you’ll lose eight to murders minimum, but most likely more if they mess up literally any class trials or there are doublekills)

14, maybe? that’s manageable

I think 14 makes sense if you’re cutting a trial because you’re cutting roughly the same number of people that the trial isn’t killing

then again i do like the idea that at the end of the game it’s just 1 or 2 people left trying desperately to survive, even then still not sure if they can trust each other. it’s thematic™. unfortunately, it’s not very DR

yeah 14 sounds good

realistically there can only be 2 mistrials so the only problem here is doublekills
without doublekills there will always be 3-4 people in the final trial if the game doesn’t end early (3 if one mistrial, 4 if 0 mistrials)

you could do 12 and just
not allow doublekills

or you can do 14
i feel like there’s not much of a difference between 14 and 16 at that point


want help with designing? I’ll help cohost too if I can, but can’t promise I’ll have the time to do that rn

i am already Doing a Design, but i might consider it later into the process

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i would have offered to cohost as i’m in a similar situation to icibalus wherein i would have finished my exams and be free for most of the summer

unfortunately, that situation is too similar because we’re also in the same timezone

maybe i should just bite the bullet and do 16p?

I suggest 16 due to interest levels usally being high and it will fill an cutting back on people I think isn’t likely to stop that burnout.

Like one less trial isn’t gonna change the burnout levels.

i mean
the game becomes like, 20% shorter so it probably would?

(jw, why are double murders even a thing in the first place

in the DR games it’s a tradition for the third murder to always have two victims

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what was wind’s win condition again i forgt

brief note:
isometric maps are still going to be a thing, and since the game is going to be in a single structure, having a good sense of 3D space might actually be worth the effort this time

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…why dd i use the updated version of MS Paint for the first one? i don’t know. but this time i’m going to be marginally less stupid and use an actual image editing software

now all i have to do is look up the angle of isometric perspective