DR6 Disinterest Check

…i can’t guarentee that an amnesiac character might not know the conditions

does “usually” mean that you will still have wildcards?

but i’m only keeping them open as a possibility, not confirming that there will be any

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well at the start, no one would have their true ending wincondition available so wildcards may still be a good addition
and to help fill the role of the mastermind they could probably have more uh
evil winconditions

you should also make one of the wildcards The Ultimate Mastermind and give them a bunch of TMI and stuff and then make CH6 about finding them because they’re evil



you don’t get to make that joke

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leave me alone that was clearly a fake townslip



Shit when is this being hosted. Good Job luna im hype

I like the removal of the MM

MM trials never really seemed exciting to me.

I will always go for the true ending because it’s more gamer.
Regardless of what it is.

Regardless of when it will be hosted and who will be the host, I predict that there will be a lot of "I’m MM :flushed: " jokes.

At least one of them will be from me


You were expecting a katze joke
But it was me, JoJo reference!

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angy noises

yes, yes i WAS

because IM THE REAL MM

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haha katze won’t ever be the mastermind

randing MM sounds really fun(ny) but honestly the ceiling of fun(ny) is probably way lower than a non-MM

because like wazza said earlier

i dont fully agree but there are shrouds of truth to it

so this is fine with me

You see

In DR2 I felt super restricted in what I could do,especially chapter 2 onwards

In DR3 I actually enjoyed having all that knowledge and trying to use it appropriately, but I still felt like a weird informed spectator


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that’s a good way of putting it
the main problem in terms of fun is probably like
not having any teammates outside of like class trials

participants don’t have teammates either but
they have to work together collectively in the trials moreso than MM does with blackened
and trusting people is less detrimental to a participant

Speak for yourself

I had teammates in DR2 and still felt really stiff

i mean u threw one of them away for basically zero gain

Even in chapter 1 nerb