Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

This is kinda silly ♤

Okay, I quickly ISO’d Ryan. I have another probably very silly reason for not wanting to vote Italy apart from Mode’s read, but here goes.

/vote PokemonKidRyan

just woke up whusgoingon

/vote PKR

always done to lynch the meanies also seth probs good this time


TY bro


Congrats, you saved yourself my sleeping or something

Can you say the reason rather than just saying that you have one?

Not you too, appel… </3

I’ll pass on a PKR vote thanks

/vote Italy

I went for 1 hour and suddenly PKR is top wagon.

Epic, you guys have fun, if he flips Town then don’t blame me, if he flips scum then you all have reasons to suspect me.



Accused Voters Votes
Italy EVO, TheBlueElixir 2/13
ModeShifter PKR, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, clonedcheese 4/13
Appelsiini sulit 1/13
Hippoyeetus ash4fun, Apprentice 2/13
Intensify MaximusPrime 1/13
an_gorta_pratai Mist1422 1/13
Mist1422 Crichard564, KyoDaz 2/13
sulit Hippoyeetus 1/13
PokemonKidRyan Estel, ModeShifter, Intensifty, Appelsiini, Centuries 5/13

Epic host flavor from marshal

Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC.

well that switched fast

I’ll stay on Italy. PKR isn’t a bad CW tho I’ll admit ♧

I think I hate both of these top wagons tbh

I don’t even like Italy as a wagon it’s just the least bad option

I still believe we should switch to Mode instead of PKR as that grabs more info on players.

you are really dedicated to this

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This post makes me hesitate ♤