Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I would like to follow Centuries yes,
It’s a shame he’s dead.

I think at this point we certainly have an NK and it looks like they have variable KP looking at the night kill history.

Since when am I being known for being a rule-following dog?


I think we’re 5v1 with NK. No way a 24p has 7 group scum AND a Neutral Killer. That wouldn’t make it past review

I don’t care. I want Wazza dead regardless of faction.

K if we have a NK due to Wazzas claims would it not have to be him?

Am i doing math wrong please can i get a log of your checks Wazza.

We almost definitely have 5 Town remaining and 1 Scum.

One mislynch won’t end us, so if you are Town, which I incredibly doubt with all my heart and soul, the game is still winnable.

nah it doesn’t have to be him. it could be a 7th scum member with no NK I guess but then how the living fuck did 2 titans die that one night

Um, no.

N1 - Hippolytus is Not-Olympus.
N2 - Vulgard is Olympus.
N3 - ModeShifter is Olympus.
N4 - Sulit is Not-Olympus.
N5 - Apprentice is Olympus.

That leaves me in a pool of two other confirmed townies. Apprentice and Mode.

Intensify is spewed Town and practically mechanically confirmed Town.

That leaves us with 4 Town members and only 2 possible scum, TWL and Zone.

Oh yeh Cent is dead I forgot

So if we believe your checks

Confirmed (because i don’t believe there are two GF’s)

TL (Never Neutral Or scum but just facts here)
Intesity (Never W)

WE have a four people PoE in this world.

Intensitys claim is never W/W with light
I am spewed not Neutral from Light

Six players. Suspected last scum: Apprentice.
Exe Wazza, and I will kill Apprentice. Even if he (App) kills me, I will kill him as well.

If I am scum then there has to be a neutral (otherwise how was there a cleaned kill?)
That would mean 4v1v1
Exe Wazza. In case of misexe, it will become 3v1v1 BUT I SURE AS HELL WILL KILL APPRENTICE IF YOU DO SO
Apprentice in this world is a neutral, yes? Then I will kill your scum, and you guys can exe me D7 with 2v1.

remind me why this is?

I don’t believe we have Neutrals anymore at this point, just gonna add that onto this.

May I ask though, why would I be in the PoE?

These two statements contradict each other and it annoys me more.

How is Apprentice confirmed? All I know is that Mode is confirmed to be messenger.

Wazza is literally claiming a greencheck on me

What part of ‘If my checks are to be believed’ do you not understand?