Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

In Insurgency Seth was just kind of there doing stupid stuff until he attempted to replicate his town meta with a CRich push and then kind of flopped on that too since he didn’t keep it up. Seth is one of the few players who can be fairly reliably meta read here. Do you have any other scum Seth games that I could take a look at?

The main ones would be the server I had posted during Insurgency for towncred tbh.

I will admit I am surprised to hear about you saying Seth is actively doing things however… so I will be looking into him.

I usually am quite accurate when reading him and vice versa.

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Like I think the 3 people he settled on for the “Lynch Pool” was awful and shouldn’t be what we go off of. But he was actively trying to control thread and get things moving which just seemed so out of whack with what I saw him do with us

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I wrote an Iso of Ash for you, there were a couple of concerning posts that I had forgotten about but overall I think that slot is highly townie.

I think his opening is essentially NAI. I assume the first post is a reference to something (“Since eric is not playing”). I think him announcing the intention to tunnel hyperposters is slightly >rand townie (partially because I have Elixir as a townlean at this point, to be fair – but announcing the intention to tunnel a specific player for hyperposting is the sort of thing wolves generally avoid because it has a tendency to make that player annoyed with them).

This post is one of a handful of slightly concerning posts since he’s essentially just listing options without really taking a strong stance on which it is, which makes it feel slightly more like busywork/trying to look like he’s doing something.

This is a basically logical and sensible reason and I like his early aggression. I mentioned this when I was giving the short version of my read on him earlier but most scum tend to stay more on the sidelines rather than take an active role in leading pushes.

I’m not thrilled about him saying that he’ll sheep a read (it feels like kind of a cop-out explanation) but I’m also sure that I’ve made fairly similar posts as town in previous games, so I’m not really going to hold it against him.

Eh, some of these reasons are actively townie, others could go either way. I like how he’s actively looking into Intensify’s motivations in his read on him; his town reads seem more fakeable (like, none of his townreads are explained in ways that I would expect scum to struggle to come up with) but they’re not actively bad. I kind of like his read on Appel too, like, I do actually believe that he saw a thing, looked at Appel’s Iso, and changed his mind (which makes me think that he was legitimately trying to solve Appel’s slot).

This feels slightly townie as although he starts out with a hedge, he nevertheless attempts to sort out which possibility is correct.

I think all of these are basically NAI.

This post slightly concerns me based on how much he’s qualifying his read (emphasizing that it’s just a gut read, emphasizing that it could just be “being jealous,” etc.)

This is the start of the CRichard part, which has obviously been a topic of much debate. I think this read is … basically reasonable from his perspective? Like, I get that it’s different from the read he made earlier, but people are allowed to change their reads and his reason here basically makes sense.

I sort of tend to think that scum would remember that they had put CRichard as a townread earlier and note that they were flipping their read, but that’s not a take I’m super committed to.

These continue to be basically reasonable takes.

These two posts are so townie, particularly the first one. Like, there are a lot of tactics scum could take in this situation (given that CRichard was basically imploding) and instead he’s taking a tactic of trying to get CRichard to calm down and behave in a productive manner, despite the fact that he is actively falling apart, which is more-or-less the towniest possible way to handle it. Like, it would be fairly easy for scum to use this to push agenda (by pointing out that CRichard is blatantly OMGUSing), or to talk more performatively about how they’re so much more reasonable than CRichard (there’s a bit of that in Ash’s post, but only as implication), or just to leave the thread because it’s stressful. Ash is choosing what is probably the single most pro-town way to handle the CRichard situation.

In conclusion: Ash is just town. This doesn’t have to be complicated. Like, yes, he has a couple questionable posts. That is a thing that happens when you have posts! Overall, on a macro level, his posts are highly villagery!

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I mean I have been changing my mind about Ash as I’m now in a better mood.
He’s probably a confused villager from his posts and how he interacted with me.

That’s not how we play it here though.
We aren’t going to have only 2 options as they can easily both be Town.
From my experiences the 2 top majority scum reads are usually always both Town.
Sometimes it will be scum but that’s why my suggestion is to make it from 2 to 6 or 8.
That way it gives us a higher chance to get scum without a chance for scum to go on a safe Town lynch.

Me leaves for 465mins to play a couple homesite games

Looks back how many times did you quote my few posts and ping me like what happened today never been pinged and quoted so many times in the first day.

Anyway I guess lesson learned is that if I’m going to read people by meta, I better be prepared to bring up posts from other games to support my argument.
Though I don’t see why people thought I had TMI when it was a meta read.

You seem to like that word this game
“Fair enough”

Why didn’t you bring this up before.
I know Wazza did.
I think if Ash is scum.
Your more likely to be the scum defending them over Wazza.

Not entirely.
I confirm TL and TL confirms Centuries.

There’s multiple possibilities, but instead of delving into them, I’d just like to say that mech is not infallible, and will only lead us to get dominated… again.

I have been bringing it up since the elim pool containing Ash was first proposed.

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Do you have any reads (not preflip “if A is W then B is their partner” associations, but actual reads)?

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I think there’s at least 1 scum within You, Ash and CRichard.

That’s not so much a read as a sweeping declaration.

Like, have you made any attempt at sorting us out from each other? Do you have actual thoughts in that regard? Are there any individual players that you’re willing to make a read on?

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I won’t be surprised if everyone in that list is town.
I’ve got my reasons to town read them, including Ash. Shocking I know.

Yep there are worse things to say.

I’m going to post something and if I don’t post it then I lost my internet