Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

bruh… there’s this thing called wagons?

Let’s spend most of today (irl) looking for canadates, and voting them. This evening and tomorrow, we decide on who to yeet.

Vig pool good idea, lynch pool not good idea.
(Also could be construed as agenda-y, but I don’t really want to go there rn)

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Centuries if this is real I’m going to scream at you
idfc if it gets me banned Greek Mythology is literally UP MY ALLEY

So when are you going to actually ping hosts then?

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i did in my role pm


Do you have anything to say to/about L1ght?

L1ght might as well come clean now, give us that pre-flip claim

wait a minute? He actually shot him?

yes sir


Fuck it
I’m not dead til I’m dead

I claim Jason the Argonaut

You…got him to claim…

I rescind


uh, no?
I think he has scum equity, but I hardly think that his flip solves any other slots…

/vote Centuries

I knew it. You bastard

Jfc you actually got a claim out of this ☆

funny how you care more about voting me than about telling town your reads

If I’m alive I’m not on a time limit

I knew something was up.