Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

It makes it so scum can’t lay around and be Scott Free.

/Vote Ash

Try me @Estel
Go ahead.

Their name is TheBlueElixir.

What was your goal behind asking this question?

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We may aswell go along with it tbh for associations. Whod u nominate?

The signature seth “no u”

I have best flavor it is known

☆ Anyways im going to work soonish, leaving my vote on Italy for pressure, will check in periodically :heart:

@ChopChop @ChopChop @ChopChop

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what if you wanted to sleep
but everyone said @Italy

not a dreamer claim

but is something like it

its not that hard to spell



gimme somethin

i will strangle you

you dont TR them for the flavor claim

but what made them go down

you too

in fact, thats exactly what thread is doing rn


i woke up five minutes ago to ten notifications

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gimme a gut read

you are a nerd

I didn’t have a particularly strong reason to TR them to begin with, and I thought their reaction to Centuries’s reactiontest was kind of weird. Like, he was basically like “Iso me for my reads, also by the way I’m Jason,” which felt like a weird reaction as if he actually believed the reactiontest (like he was claiming to) then saying that he was Jason wouldn’t really change anything – it felt like he had figured out that it was a reactiontest and was trying to fake a townie reaction, but not really succeeding.

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when your executed is that all you want to be remembered with

My internet is dying, help. I got saved by the power of copy paste


Their early reads had little to do with actual alignments and they pressured people based on them, but her interaction with Estel felt genuine, like she actually wants to solve. This solving hasn’t been there as much as I would expect though, and I don’t like the way she reacted during Cent’s RT, thus why she’s not higher.


Upon re-evaluation, I think she could be LHF. I still don’t like some of their reactions, but they aren’t too horrible and her response to me wasn’t… bad, I guess. More like she just didn’t think much of things, which can come from town. However, that in itself isn’t enough to put her out of my scumleans, and I’ll have to see what she’ll do.


I didn’t like their readlist, and a lot of their townleans felt odd. When I asked about some of them, the answer was very lackluster-ish. Their scumleans as well, seemed to consist of easily misread people who behave erratically (Intensify, Kyo etc.) and there is very little questioning towards their townreads. I also didn’t like their response to the RT, as Cent(?) pointed out, they didn’t show a level of caring that town should have.


Their early ISO is fluff and shading people, save for soft defending sulit. They never go deep into their townreads or their thought process, and their top 3s consisted of those they have quickly mentioned maybe in one post or so, based on surface level things; and it seemed like they had trouble coming up with them. This makes me believe that their thought process isn’t really there, and they are instead looking for easy targets to pressure instead of actually solving. Their interactions with CRich seem NAI, as I can see them come from both sides.
Thinking about it now, I’d say they have more Neutral-equity than groupscum.

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