Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I think it’s best to stop the jokes and get serious again.

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Thing is, in this game we’re playing with a lot of players who were here back in Hippo’s time, like Apprentice for example, he would be good to use for reading those players from my PoV.

Already explained but I will retype it.

For Richard it’s a matter of ‘We’ll get more information if we wait it out’ and for Centuries it’s a matter of ‘If it’s scum, we gain nothing.’

That’s … a really weird take, given that Centuries has been one of the most active players.


so I wasn’t doing scum theater earlier?

I havent talked enough about my reads?


To be clear, I’m asking you to explain it @Wazza.

Do you mind walking me through in what way will my jettison give more information?
No one else answer this for Wazza please.
I town lean Centuries, though I’d like to hear your case on Centuries.

That is Italy’s scum tell and he doesn’t even defend himself

Yeah, I know, just wanted to know where your head was at so far. I will probably vote Italy later unless some miracle happens and Italy somehow reveals as an Innocent Child

Didn’t sleep for too long apparently. Only 100 posts to go.

I am a double voter confirmed

Town has majority, which would be at least 13 people; very likely more. I think you’re the first person to actually question this, however, which is interesting.

Because Italy has barely played, and doesn’t seem to care, which is usually a scumtell for him.

How so?

I’m beginning to think I should re-evaluate Intensify at some point. They’re a little eccentric as town so I don’t want to scumread them for it, but it shouldn’t be all ignored because of it either. Their unvote doesn’t seem like coming from a scum, though.

If it eases your mind, I now scumread you a lot more. Your whole post is wrong.

  1. You exaggerate my read on you to make it look worse, when I said you were null/slight scumlean.
  2. You exaggerate the amount of posts to make it look worse. It’s literally 1 post where I said you could be LHF, and the post following after is my explaining as to why.
  3. The quoted post explains I tried to re-evaluate you, but you’re still scummy and should not be put out of PoE. You’re blatantly twisting my posts so that you can have a reason to vote me.

Could you explain this further?

This too. Wazza is definitely someone I need to ISO again later.

From what I believe, it is very known that Italy slanks hard as scum. If he does flip town, however, it will be interesting to see who pointed this out first and who started the wagon.

That’s what he does as town, you can look up some of his games. I’d like to think he wouldn’t fake that level of anger as scum, and he acted very differently in the one scumgame he has had iirc.

This is very true, but to me it comes off as snappy town as he has shown good reasoning behind his votes.


I’m pretty sure we should just rely on ourselves with this one. Their opinions are important, yes, but we should not rely on them to the point where we don’t want to cuddle them because of it.

Fuc fuc fuc

Stayed away for too long and have no fucking clue what’s going on

I blame it on ppl who are tryharding d1 but whatever

That’s a reality of Forum Mafia games.

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I told myself I would catch on the posts… I have no rip I got distracted

Hmm, I suppose there’s really nothing I can do but take your word for it then. I’ll probably still be voting elsewhere, but hopefully y’all are right on that. Was considering earlier trying to put brakes on that train, but ig I don’t really have a problem with it now.

VCA’s are gonna be kinda meh but that’s fine if he flips W.

Anyways, looks like today will be 3 AM sleep night for me while I build my updated version of wallpost

If I’m being honest, I don’t really like the sudden build on Italy’s wagon. They’re known to slank no matter what, and they’ve given absolutely zero spew. If we lynch them, no matter what, we’re back at square one again tomorrow.

I really do like this post, like this is what I have been saying for the last few games regarding “good players”

Square 1 with 1 less scum in our presence, but I guess I see what you mean

I am sure any of these fine gentlemen could link you some of Italy’s scum games

I’m not sure what you mean by sudden, because I thought there was resistance on that wagon.
Perhaps you can elaborate on this in your own words.

Probably true, yet we kinda need to take a risk here no?

Supposing Italy flips scum, wouldn’t you agree one less scum is a good thing?

There’s a glaring problem in this statement. Should I point it out, or does somebody else want to?

A wolf flip is a wolf flip and it’s nice to have spew, but here’s the deal we don’t always need spew

I most definitely agree that the less scum, the better.

Problem is, Italy has done… nothing. Nothing good, and nothing bad. We might as well be looking at a no-poster.