Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I mean I have been changing my mind about Ash as I’m now in a better mood.
He’s probably a confused villager from his posts and how he interacted with me.

That’s not how we play it here though.
We aren’t going to have only 2 options as they can easily both be Town.
From my experiences the 2 top majority scum reads are usually always both Town.
Sometimes it will be scum but that’s why my suggestion is to make it from 2 to 6 or 8.
That way it gives us a higher chance to get scum without a chance for scum to go on a safe Town lynch.

Me leaves for 465mins to play a couple homesite games

Looks back how many times did you quote my few posts and ping me like what happened today never been pinged and quoted so many times in the first day.

Anyway I guess lesson learned is that if I’m going to read people by meta, I better be prepared to bring up posts from other games to support my argument.
Though I don’t see why people thought I had TMI when it was a meta read.

You seem to like that word this game
“Fair enough”

Why didn’t you bring this up before.
I know Wazza did.
I think if Ash is scum.
Your more likely to be the scum defending them over Wazza.

Not entirely.
I confirm TL and TL confirms Centuries.

There’s multiple possibilities, but instead of delving into them, I’d just like to say that mech is not infallible, and will only lead us to get dominated… again.

I have been bringing it up since the elim pool containing Ash was first proposed.

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Do you have any reads (not preflip “if A is W then B is their partner” associations, but actual reads)?

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I think there’s at least 1 scum within You, Ash and CRichard.

That’s not so much a read as a sweeping declaration.

Like, have you made any attempt at sorting us out from each other? Do you have actual thoughts in that regard? Are there any individual players that you’re willing to make a read on?

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I won’t be surprised if everyone in that list is town.
I’ve got my reasons to town read them, including Ash. Shocking I know.

Yep there are worse things to say.

I’m going to post something and if I don’t post it then I lost my internet

How expensive is it to get a better internet connection?


thats what i deserve for living in the middle of nowhere in france

Ouch I didn’t know that.

I do want to apologise for my part in the train wreck earlier today.
Lets try to get back to solving the game and moving on.