Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Reading 4k posts in the 3h before eod would be a challenge for anybody, so just don’t do that. Let’s try something else.

Do you think the wagon on you is mostly wolves or mostly town? Who do you think is most likely to be a wolf on your wagon?

Anyway time to sleep.
Lets just say that sleeping is a more productive use of my time than arguing with someone. :sunglasses:

tired appel noises

There are two possibilities I can see with Maxi. I doubt the first thing a wolf would do is to hyperfocus someone and pressure them, but what struck me as odd was that he was very overconfident with his reads. He didn’t bother to read any of Intensify’s other posts, but was constantly requesting him to be killed and such.

I don’t know how to explain this properly, but I’m fairly sure Intensify and Maxi are never T/S here. If Maxi is a wolf, the only reason for his actions I can see would be to get their teammates towncred, as pushing Intensify like that accomplishes nothing and would otherwise be harmful if he were to be spewed town because of this.

Gonna re-ISO L1ght again, since I have the time. Bleh.

Friendly reminder that I have a greencheck on Light :upside_down_face:

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Hello people. I apparently won’t be able to arrive at EoD surprisingly. So I guess this is my last day 2 message so here is my readlist. Also I haven’t caught from like 8 hours ago so some info might be missing. Feel free to ask any questions, I can probably stay around for 10 minutes before needing to hop off.

Intensify - I don’t know what locktown means but I think it’s good.

Apprentice - Shot Hippo, 99% sure this is good.
Wazza - Found Hippo as scum via search history I think. Bussing right handman of Titans seems too stupid. Almost if not 100% good.

Town Read
Vully - Their actions… it’s all way too towny. I believe they are town 100%.

Town Lean
Estel - Upon first glance, a lot of things about him seem… off but after reevaluation, I guess I can trust him.
Appel - Highest TL, almost TR. All of their actions scream town to me. Trying to get peole to engage, easy to follow thought process, etc.
CRich - Kinda like Estel in a way. There was some questionable interactions between him and Mist/Ash, but REDEMPTION.
TBE - Bluey boy. Probably good. Steady coast of good towny posts and barely any scummy posts seen. But perhaps this is bluey boys trap.
Ash - I am so tempted to put Ash in my SLs ngl but after some interactions, either Ash is good boy town or really deceiving scum.
Seth - Oh boy. His insistency on keeping Italy alive and such is… concerning. But despite that, I think he is probably town. His posts sometimes are hard to be communicated through, but I see shreds of town in there somewhere.

EVO - Perhaps I haven’t looked too in depth about them, but I’m not quite convinced yet that they are town, but not too much evidence screams scum either so… ehhh.
Centuries - I have 0 idea whether the greencheck on them was taken off or not, but whatever. I felt like after they were greenchecked by TWL, their attitude seemed to be changed to one that’s more confident and outgoing and while that’s not necessarily bad, something about that… seems off.
L1ght - I have 0 idea how I manage to forget all of this guy’s posts from the history of this thread but I have. I need to look deeper but I don’t have the time right now
Kyo - Has greencheck on L1ght? Other than that, not much about them screams scum nor bum.
TWL - Did he rescind greencheck on Centuries? I have 0 idea. I don’t know how to feel about this either so I put them here for now.

Scum Lean
Cloned - Seems to defend Italy a lot… I’m not saying that Italy is scum, but if Italy does ever flip scum… Cloned is going to chopping block for sure. He also doesn’t have much material to work with sadly.
Sulit - Maybe I missed some posts about him but most of their posts are pretty NAI, and they haven’t done very much as of so far. Further reevaluation might be required for this slot tho
Maximus - I get that if you don’t have time to read up on like a couple 1000 or so ish posts that you just woke up into, really, I get it. But like 4000? You kinda left that to yourself. His reasons for pushing me tho are… understandable I guess.

Scum Read

Italy - Because Italy is a weird one… he’s getting his own section. From meta experience, Italy is almost suspicious, but this is Italy so my mind is going all over the places. If it comes down to it, I will be fine with lonching Italy. I guess a null read for now


Well looks like there’s no responses to my readlist, I guess I go off. Just incase I die, take my last? fun fact

Fun Fact

Vulgard under my decree will be named Vully no matter what. If you object, I will smite you and bury you with my own hands under the seas.

Hm, you have a readslist that is bad and good. Cool.

Just started reading. Getting a townie vibe from Blue and Centuries so far.

Kind of wondering why Blue voted Sulit at post 15. Although it might’ve been just to apply pressure.

Cheese has a good point about a neverending game at post 16. Laughs

Blue is just randomly voting around post 30. Interesting…

Blue’s reasoning for voting that second person doesn’t make sense in the slightest at post 42.

Cheese has a bad feel to him at post 59.

Estella is looking brownish at post 67.

Intensify’s look is good at post 72. I like how he has reads on other players and states them as well.

Yeah, definitely getting a townie feel from Estel and a scum vibe from Cheese at post 88.

App feels like he’s defending Cheese a bit in post 107.

Mist brings up a good point as of post 128.

Applying pressure on someone that eventually flipped scum. A good look for Wazza. Post 184 now.

Light looks like he’s sleeping App at post 213.

Up to post 402 now. Going to get a bit more sleep and recharge phone before resuming reading.

Unofficial VC (as of vote-post #46):

Accused Voters No. of Votes
MaximusPrime Crichard564, Intensify, Centuries, Vulgard, ModeShifter, Apprentice, EVO 7/11
ModeShifter clonedcheese, oB_L1ght, Italy, Wazza, ash4fun 5/11
Appelsini sulit, Estel 2/11
Centuries MaximusPrime 1/11
ash4fun TheBlueElixir 1/11
Not Voting Appelsiini, KyoDaz, Bluestorm, TrustworthyLiberal 4

All fluff until he takes notice of Intensify’s post, which is fair enough. Intensify & L1ght probably not W/W. That’s actually something I should keep in mind.

Aaaaaaaa. This is towny, I admit that. Given their attitude earlier, they’re surprisingly understanding here.

L1ght/CRich interactions

They’re taking on a careful tone, while still trying to question CRich’s reads. Mostly NAI. They appear to be good at taking others’ perspectives into mind while talking with them, which can go both ways, since that’s generally what wolves always have to do. Here they do back it up with reasonable explanation, though.

L1ght's reads


You already acknowledged they have a tendency to make wallposts. Meh

No shade, despite having the opportunity to put suspicion on this slot. Good

I really don’t like this as Wazza hadn’t done anything too productive at the time. The fact that they’re so careful with their reads with everyone else but him is ~bad~


This is interesting. I don’t know how to feel about ash tinfoils, rise but this seems like nitpicking.

Did I ever answer this? Did I? I was pushing Blue because of his announcement to control the thread but not doing anything with things afterwards, but they actually had the same reads as me so I felt more comfortable as I could see their thought process there. The rantpost is definitely NAI and should be interpreted as such.

These two, when compared together, is very meh

Conclusion: Their reads still suck, but don’t necessarily mean lockscum™ either, as their interactions with others seem alright.

L1ght/Hippo interactions

Hard meh. Doesn’t really say anything.

Well… this is not meh. Shading scumbuddies like that would be what’s meh.

You know what, I’m gonna stop here. I don’t want to waste more time on this with a greencheck on him, I’m moving him away from my scumleans. Unless something else comes up, I’ll believe in this slot for now.

@sulit @Estel @MaximusPrime @TheBlueElixir @Appelsiini @KyoDaz @Leafia @TrustworthyLiberal

Mind reading over and getting on-wagon, or else suggesting a CFD?

I actually want to read through Intensify first, since my read on him will affect my read on Maxi to some extent. Either way, he isn’t really contributing and seems like a good lynch target nevertheless.

cuddle target*

You should add that this was Hippo practically copying me anyway.


i dun really like either wagon

am too lazy to case rn just dragged myself out of bed

I don’t believe a CFD is possible. I don’t want Mode to die either; his thought process is understandably towny :man_shrugging:
/jettison MaximusPrime


Basically, I started to push on L1ght and Centuries and Hippo just started copying me.

oh hey you’re actually here.