I think debauch could use a small change, currently its a foolproof way of finding attackers, which makes princess wisp seem lame in comparison. While I’m not against the fact that drunk can find attackers, I think they should have a bit more of a claim room even if drunk debs them.
I suggest that instead of becoming immune to attacks you debauch, if you debauch an attack you will be healed from said attack. This could help a bit since if drunk debauches a healer and is attacked that same night, he could be fooled into thinking the one he debauched was the attacker, and could help the attackers try to get away with a fake phys/alch claim. This could also solve the problem about drunk debauching the reaper early and completely screwing him up, since reap goes through heals. Drunk could still stop the reaper with happy hour if he suspects someone of being the reaper.
On a side note, I also believe drunk shouldn’t be able to know if the person he debauches was immune or not. This could also make butler feel more unique since he would be the only BD class that can find occupy immune classes.